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All right,  looks like I have got a story for you.  I hope you're hungry for a story?

It promises to be delicious, specially prepared to please your literary appetite, improve your knowledge and character. It should fill your belly (figuratively not literally of course. It’s a literary culinary  adventure.)

So, if you're hungry for a story, dinner is served( If  you're really hungry for the real food, sorry I can't  help you.   There might be some meat left in the pot, that’s if you’re bold or stupid enough to try. Beware of the wrath of the Mum!)
Please enjoy
(The best part is, you don’t get to do the dishes after this! Isn’t that wonderful? Free food and no doing the dishes?)

So here it goes,
Once there was a lion who lived as many lions did, in  his den.  Lions  love to head back to their dens after hunting, to lie down after a hearty meal or just to sleep.  When it's hot, they  cat nap  or rest.

This Lion was doing just that now, or rather trying to.
You see, he had an uninvited guest and a noisy one at that. It was a rat.

Yes, a rat!  Those filthy, noisy vermin(although some people think they are cute and make good pets!)

To this lion, this rat was anything but  cute! When they bother about other animals, you're either meat or just annoying.

This rat  was definitely annoying.
You know how rats are, noisy all the time.  They run up and down, dragging things here and there, squealing like they own the place, keeping the real owners of the place uncomfortable.

Now if you have ever slept in a house with rats, you would know that sleeping isn't easy with rats on the loose.

At times, the noisy things would be bold enough to feast on your toes while you were fast asleep(I have seen one bold enough to attack someone’s leg while he was wide awake!), softly blowing air into them; giving you a sweet sensation and you would  never wake up.

However,  when you do, Oh my! You will walk like a new man.( literally) You would feel like you were walking over bottles and pins  with skinned feet(Courtesy of the rats.)

Now you know why this lion couldn't sleep, not with this nuisance around. So,  the lion got irritated and he pursued the rat out of his den.

He was highly irritated and still continued  to pursue with all intent of catching and killing it(Rats have a way of annoying all species.)

The rat ran for dear life, but soon the lion caught up  with it and pounced on it and made ready to give the rat a trip to death ville.

The Rat grinned, a big ratty grin and said,
"Well done, you have caught a mighty prey worthy of your efforts."

The lion looked confusedly  at the rat  (that sounded odd coming from someone about to die.)

The rat continued,
"Oh yes, you pursued me with speed as you would a swift gazelle.  You pounced on me with such might and force as you would a strong buffalo.
Now you're about to strangle me as you would a wildebeest. Will I fill  your belly  as an elephant would?

I'm only a rat but I see I'm treated  as these noble beasts,  for the king of   beasts  left  his sleep to give me his full attention.  He abandoned his home after a rat and has because of me, lost his temper and acted in such an unkingly manner.

It is  a great feat for a rat to have made the king of beasts angry and  act as such that does not befit his pride and title, but what's to be gained by your highness when you stoop so low to kill a rat?" (Clever rogue.)

The lion sighed and let go of the rat and glared at it disdainfully,

"Should I begin to play with irritating rats," he said, "I would soon be made furious by flies and mosquitoes and be the  joke of all. Some, are better disdained than contended with."

At times, when you lose your cool, you become a fool to all watching. Especially, for such things that are irrelevant.

Don't waste your time chasing after rats (Unless, it's the real one! It's either them or your fish in the pot),or you will find out that you have made a bigger fool than they.

You are like royalty and  some things aren't even worthy of your anger. Stay cool.

  Thanks for reading. You're a lovely audience. Don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks again.

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