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A tiger once caught a monkey who had strayed from his troop and tree.

As, he held the monkey in a killing grip, the monkey said to him in a smooth voice:
"Now that I'm very close to you, I realize how beautiful your coat is. I love how the black and orange stripes merge to give you a splendid look.
Now that your mouth is open in a snarl, which looks very much like a smile, I see your teeth are as white as milk, very clean. Your breath is fresh as well. I must say you're a very clean tiger, a most civilized looking fellow."

The tiger hissed. "Only yesterday, when you were safely on your tree, when you and your brothers taunted me, throwing fruits at me, this coat of mine you now call beautiful was what you called "mangy and flea bitten."

My teeth you admire so much now was "Dirty and rotten". You call me civilized, but yesterday I wasn't nothing short of the Devil to you.

Only a fool falls for the flattery of the desperate, they're only true as long as he's in your power."

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