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All right, I do believe I have a story to tell you, so listen closely.

Now, there once was a fisherman who took out his vessel to sea to make a catch. His efforts were in vain for hours.

Finally, he was worn out with effort, so he cried out to the fishes of the sea:

"Friends , I have decided that it does us no good to be enemies, I wish for us to make peace. I promise to do away with my nets and catch no fish. Only, jump into this big pot here, that I may take you to my home and entertain you as a sign of our new friendship."

Now, obviously this was a trick, no fisherman randomly quits his job to make friends with the fishes, unless he fancies unemployment and suddenly hates roasted fish.

That will be akin to the hunters forming a committee for the purpose of protecting all wildlife!

Of course, it was a trap, and the fishes knew this. Fishes are really smarter than they look, well some are, if not none would bite the baits on hook. Just like we humans, some are smart and others are.....well you know.

Yes, back to the story!
The Shark spoke for this fishes: "We are pleased with this proposal of friendship and wish to make merry with you, however we think it proper that since you're already here and that there are many of us ,we might have the honor of entertaining you here in the sea. Therefore, jump into the sea, that we may get to know each other better." the Shark offered politely, smiling, showing its serrated teeth at the fisherman.

Now, the Fisherman was no dummy either, he knew that if he was to dive into the Sea, with the way the Shark was looking at him, there would be a feast. Yeah but he would be the meal! Fish food, dinner!

He didn't jump in. Obviously the fishes were as hungry and as crafty as he was. The Fisherman sighed and sailed for home, musing that the elders weren't wrong, when they said that it takes a cunning man to bury another cunning man.

Well, the lesson here is obvious. You might have heard of that proverb, that nobody should put his hand in a lion's mouth and expect not to be missing a hand( Who would be that stupid to do that anyway!)

The thing is, at times there are things that are obviously not good for you, as obvious as the fact that if you put your hand in fire you get burnt. Just be cautious when that crafty guy suddenly decides to help you or randomly becomes nice.

He might be sincere, who knows, but in a world of cunning fishermen one must be a clever fish(Not literally, I trust you know I am using a metaphor)to escape the ensnaring bait of words.

Sometimes, when something sounds too good to be true, it is. I'm not saying be pessimistic, No! Just be guided, ok? Optimistically guided, yeah that's the word. So I guess this is the end.

Thanks for reading

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