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A wolf was once pursued by a hunter and his dog.

The dog soon out ran his  master and caught up with the wolf; he pounced on him and captured him.

The wolf being tired from having no meals in days, offered no resistance. He thought of a way out of his dilemma and said to the dog, "I can see that you're a fast and strong hunter, few dogs can ever boast of catching a wolf."

Seeing that the dog was pleased by this flattery, the wolf continued talking. "Why should a great hunter
like you do all the hard work only to be rewarded with some scraps and bones by your ungrateful master? Come with me, you would become the leader of our pack. Then, you will eat till you are full and never have to share your spoils."

The dog was taken in by this prospect, he began to see reason with the wolf; a mighty hunter like him deserved more.

So, he followed the wolf into the forest, to meet his pack, ignoring the distant call of his master.

The pack of wolves on seeing the dog, gathered around him in a circle.

The dog knowing nothing of the way of wolves, thought this was their way of paying homage to their new leader.

Already, he was imagining eating the choicest of meat, eating to his fill and never having to share with anybody.

Then the wolf cried to his fellows, "Brothers I have brought us dinner!"

At that the pack fell on the dog and tore him from limb to limb.

The wolf remarked, "He who betrays his comrade for the prospect of greater rewards would sooner do so to us in similar circumstances.
There is no place for a traitor, as there is no place for a dog in a pack of wolves."

Alas, the dog learnt too little, too late, that treachery is an act that endears you to no side.

In the end, it will cost you very dearly.

Thanks guys!

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