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Have you ever met that particular breed of people?  You know, you meet them at school, at work, at home, well virtually everywhere; they like to talk of how expensive their  wrist watches are, or how rare their gadgets are, to show off their latest cars. They practically brag about everything they own and everyone they know!

By now,  you're probably thinking of someone you know that is like this and you might be hissing in disapproval.

Yes, nobody likes a braggart. Well, at least now you have an idea of where today's story is headed.
The  Peacock was obviously a gorgeous bird;  all the birds knew that,  he knew it too, and perhaps there was where the problem was,  for  he didn't miss an opportunity to flaunt it.

There is nothing wrong with being
gorgeous. In fact,  it's a nice thing.  The birds admired the Peacock for that, but what they couldn't stand was his constant tendency to brag about it.

He would strut down the road, with his tail feathers, fully spread, the eyes on them looking so dazzling and awesome, his blue plumage colored  like the sky.   He was  the picture of elegance.  If  he by chance, met another bird, say the duck,  he would call out to him:
"Have you  noticed the way I walk, with such elegance and grace?  That's something not every bird can do, certainly not you!"

The duck of course, would fume at this, we all know that ducks walk side ways, but nobody wants to be called ungraceful not even a duck! 

The Peacock would approach the pigeon with the dappled plumage.

"How dull are your feathers. You're black here and white there, like a color riot. It's not as beautiful as my sky blue plumage. Look how perfect my feathers are!"
The  Pigeon would coo in protest, for she had just been called ugly.

The Peacock would often boast to the hearing of other birds that none had an elegant tail feather like him, so beautifully designed, with eye motifs like jewels.

"I must be the most beautiful bird in the world."

Well, that's one easy of getting everybody to hate you—telling them you're better than them all.

On a certain date, all the birds  gathered together for a ceremony. The doves, the pigeons, parrots, everyone that had a beak  was there.

The Peacock was the last to arrive. This was no accident, as he wanted to be the center of attention.

Well, he strutted gracefully as always, his tail feathers  dazzling and his overall blue plumage enchanting.

However, none of the birds turned around to notice him, they continued with their conversations, as if it was just a fly that flew past them.

The Peacock didn't despair.  Immediately, he began to call attention to himself.
"Did anyone notice how blue my plumage is today? Or how graceful my strut was? Or how beautiful my tail feathers are?" 

He might as well have been  talking to the wind, for nobody answered, everyone continued with their conversations, as if he wasn't there.

It was the Parrot who finally spoke. "Yes, yes we noticed your plumage which everyone here has seen before, we noticed your tail feather which you have been pleased to  flaunt in our faces at one time or the other. Everyone here knows how proud you're of your strut. It's nothing new that you're showing us. Proud people often brag of everything they have, until there is  really  nothing new left to brag about.
Now, even if your feathers were bluer than the sky or your tail feathers more dazzling than the Sun, they wouldn't get our attention or admiration. For to us they are rather badges of arrogance and you would do well to stop  waving them around. As you can see, we hardly noticed."

The Peacock's tail feathers fell in shame, and he walked home in a not so graceful manner.

I believe the lesson of the story is obvious. So, next time when you feel that urge to boast unnecessarily, just remember that modesty is a virtue for a reason. If you don't believe me ask the Peacock, he  learnt that the hard way.   So be smart, be humble.

Thanks for reading

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