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All tales must come to an end, and we must go as we had come with the telling.

I have woven into the tapestry of fables. I have told you tales and lessons. Now, this journey is at an end.

You have seen the sights of this world. I led you to the den of lions, I have you shown dragons. We have seen the stars at their work. We joined the eagles in first flight. We have seen all manner of beasts and things.

We have seen treachery pride in hearts, we have seen love. We have learnt and are still learning, but most importantly, we had fun doing that, we had a grand adventure.

So, now I must rest my pen, for the tale is ended. I don't regret it, for when one tale ends, another may yet begin.

Perhaps, we might still have another adventure in another world, another tale, another time.

I'm happy that we went on this literary adventure together. Now, we must weave the last thread into this tapestry as night falls. Thank you for going on an adventure with me. It was truly fun.

I hesitate to say it, but the sun has set over the hills, the eagles return to their nests and the cattle roam no more, the hen to the coop, the dog to the kernel and we must now say goodbye.

It's the end, now we journey no more. The end.

Thanks for all the votes and reads, you all have made this journey worthwhile.

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