Furvus Species

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^^^ This is what the planet looks like (not my picture and couldn't find the owner of it)

[My made-up species] Please ask before using and give credit! Please and thank you!


Description: An alien species. Elven people that are similar to humans but have different physical features and high intelligence. They can create soul bonds with the creatures on their planet. Once soul bonds have been created the creature can be put into a crystal till they are needed.

The creatures will do anything for their person and soul bond, they are protectors. They can be proud and fearless.

With the soul bonds, it's like two beings' minds melding together (They can understand each other's feelings, thoughts, and actions. The person can understand what the creature is saying but no one else can)

Species Name: Furvus (Fur-ves)


Appearance / Physical look: Elven physical features but human lifespan and organs

Language: The first language they learn is English but then they learn different types of languages.

The creatures can talk with their soul bond but other people only hear growls, clicks, or tweets based on what animal they are.


Lifespan: Like human's

Status: Alive and active.

Food: Plants, meat, fruits, vegetables. Basically what is growing on the planet and in certain regions.

Planet Info

World of origin: Furvus (Fur-ves)

Environment: Different types of regions/biomes (Like earth):

> Snowy / cold: Snowy tundra, icy planes, frozen rivers, snowy taiga, snowy mountains.

> Forrest / Woods: Flower Forrest, Dark Forrest, Jungle, snowy woods

> Planes / Meadow: Grassy planes, flower planes, meadow, planes with ponds

> Dry / Warm: Deserts, savanna, badlands

> Ocean: Frozen, Cold, Lukewarm, warm, Shallow, Deep, luminescent coral reefs

> Misc: Swamp, Two big lakes, rivers, beaches, caves

> Notes: At night the plants and trees glow and light up the world (Think of the Avatar Pandora planet), Rains once a week

Sky Color: Blue but a little darker

Sun Star: Big red dwarf

Moons: 0 (the plants and trees adapted to having no moon and became bioluminescent)

Size: (24,622 km / 15,299 miles) - The size of Neptune

Temperature: Changes based on the region and biome. The day is around 70 to 90 F and the night can get to about 30 to 40 F.

Civilization: There are towns and places. Not to advance because people don't want to hurt the planet and nature. The people thrive with the planet and its energy.

Length of the day and night: Like earth but time goes a little bit slower by a couple (2) of days

Notes: none so far

The Creatures

They have no specific name but the people call them Furvain Creatures/Animals.

The variety of creatures is like earth's but they have skulls over their faces and horns coming off of them. Sharp teeth that can rip through skin and bone easily. Their claws can rip through certain metals and wood.

They are fearless and brave. Ruthless when they want to be; if they or their person is threatened. They can go all teeth and claws on anyone they feel like.

They can eat anything from vegetables to meat. They never waste their food and will eat it all in one sitting.

They are protectors through and through. They will do anything to protect what they think is theirs or their soul bond.

When a creature is in a crystal they are resting but can still know what is going on based on their soul bonds thoughts and eyes. They can be summoned out and they can come out when they want.

Some creatures don't do soul bonds and won't let anyone near them.

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