Chapter Three (3)

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"Without transporters, we can't beam off the ship, can't assist Vulcan, and can't do our job. Mister Kirk, Mister Sulu, Engineer Olson, will space-jump from the shuttle. You will land on that machine they lowered into the atmosphere that's scrambling our gear. You'll get inside. You'll disable it, then you'll beam back to the ship. Mister Spock, I'm leaving you in command of the Enterprise," My father says to us as we all speed down a ship corridor to a shuttle, "Once we have transport capabilities and communications back up, you'll contact Starfleet and report what the hell's going on here. And if all else fails, fall back, rendezvous with the fleet in the Laurentian system. Kirk, I'm promoting you to First Officer."

"What?" Jim responds in surprise.

"Captain, please, I apologize. The complexities of Human pranks escape me." Spock says, slightly perplexed and hurt.

"It's not a prank, Spock. And I'm not the Captain, you are. Let's go." My father reassures before going into the elevator, "Hailey, you take over Sulu's position, please." making me nod in understanding.

"Sir, after we knock out that drill, what happens to you?" Jim asks, also getting on next to my father as well as Sulu.

"Oh, I guess you'll have to come and get me," My father replied before turning to Spock and me, "Careful with the ship, Spock. She's brand new. Oh, and my daughter too." The door then closes, and I shake my head as Spock starts back for the Bridge.

(3rd person)

Once back on the Bridge, Spock takes the Captain's chair as Hailey takes the pilot's chairs. Spock then starts talking on the comm, "Doctor Puri, report."

A different voice that wasn't Doctor Puri came on, "It's McCoy. Doctor Puri was on deck six. He's dead."

"Then, you have just inherited his responsibility as Chief Medical Officer," Spock replies.

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know."

Hailey was getting everything ready on her console when the info of the three men of the away team came up on the screen. The three sensors popped up, making both Chekov and the girl get ready.

"Away team is entering the atmosphere, sir. Twenty thousand meters." Chekov says, working on his console some more.

"Approaching the platform at fifty-eight hundred meters," Hailey said, looking up at the screen.

"Kirk to Enterprise." Jim announces over the comm while hurling through the air, "Distance to target, five thousand meters."

"Forty-six hundred meters from the platform," Chekov says.

"Forty-two hundred meters to target," Sulu says, also hurling down through the atmosphere.

"Four thousand meters," Jim says.

"Three thousand meters," Sulu says.

"Three thousand meters."

"Two thousand meters."

"Pull your chute," Sulu says while pulling his chute along with Jim, but Olson doesn't pull his chute.

"Two thousand meters!" The engineer says, still hurtling toward his destination.

"C'mon, pull your chute, Olson!" Jim yells frantically.

"Not yet! Fifteen hundred meters!" Olson shouts while laughing.

"Open your chute!"

"Yeah!" Olson cheers as he gets closer and closer to the drill.

"Olson, pull your chute!" Jim yells again, trying to get Olson to cooperate.

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