Chapter four (4)

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Jim, Spock, and I were getting everything we needed to go aboard the Narada. We were walking to the transporter room as Sulu took us to Earth, where the Narada was drilling a hole into the planet.

"How are we, Scotty?" Jim asks as Spock, and I walk onto the Padd with Uhura and Cyrus behind us.

"Be careful, okay?" Cyrus says while putting his hands on my shoulders. I nod and hug him, which makes him hug me back. He hugs me tighter and kisses my head when Jim gets onto the Padd.

When we pull away from each other, Spock and Uhura were having an intimate moment together. They pull apart from their kiss as Spock says, "I will be back."

"You better be. I'll be monitoring your frequency." They kiss one last time.

"Thank you, Nyota." Uhura looks at us then leaves with Cyrus right behind her.

"So her first name's Nyota?" Jim asks, looking over at Spock, "I have no comment on the matter." I snort, leaning forward a little. Jim looked kinda peeved but didn't say anything else on the matter.

"I knew you were in cahoots with each other!" I declared, making Spock look over at me with a smug look and a raised eyebrow. I stand up straight with a smirk on my face.

'I effing knew it!'


"Okey-dokey then. If there's any common sense in the design of the enemy ship, I should be putting you somewhere in the cargo bay. There shouldn't be a soul in sight." Scotty says as I take a deep breath in then out.


Once we were beamed onto the Narada, Romulans started running at us, screaming, "No soul in sight, my ass!" I yell as I shoot at one and dodge another. We started running in a random direction while we were getting shot at.

After shooting and dodging, we hide behind a half-metal wall and start shooting at everyone. Everyone was down, and we were looking around when Jim starts talking, "We'll cover ya." I nod while standing and looking around. I had my phaser up and ready to shoot anyone that comes into my line of sight.

"Are you certain?"

"Yeah, we got you," I say as he moves to an injured Romulan and mind-melds with him.

"Do you know where it is? The black hole device?" Jim asks after we shoot another Romulan coming up on Spock. "And Captain Pike." Spock finishes and looks at us, we nod as Spock starts leading the way.

We then came upon a white circular shaped ship. Running up the ramp and inside, we look around as Spock walks through a door, "I foresee a complication. The design of this ship is far more advanced than I've anticipated." The computer then starts talking, "Voiceprint and face recognition analysis enabled. Welcome back, Ambassador Spock." We were in what looked like to be a flight deck with the black hole device. It was red matter - why didn't I think of this before!

"Wow, that's weird," Jim says, not sounding that convincing and starts walking again. Spock stays were he is as he asks, "Computer, what is your manufacturing origin?"

"Stardate twenty-three eighty-seven. Commissioned by the Vulcan Science Academy." The computer answers, making Spock raise his eyebrows and turns to Jim, "It appears that you have been keeping important information from me."

"You'll be able to fly this thing, right?" Jim asks, turning to us. Something tells me I already have."

"Good luck," Jim says, turning to leave and grabbing my hand but stops. "Jim, the statistical likelihood that our plan will succeed is less than four point three percent."

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