5. Snap out of it!

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After practice Hinata noticed Kageyama was acting...weird. Something was off, he looked impressed at his spike, so what was it? He decided to ask at the dorms.

"Kageyama are you alright?"
"-How's Natsu and your mom doing?" Kageyama said cutting him off. So I was right, something is up, Hinata thought.
"T-their doing fine. What about your sister?"
"She's fine."  They sat there for another minute of silence.


Kageyama went and opened the door. He looked around saw no one but a box at the door. He brought it over to where they were both sit in before.
"I think it's the uniforms", Hinata said. Kageyama then opened the box showing that Hinata was right.
"...cool", the blueberry boy said.
"WOAH! IT LOOKS SO SO COOL!", the small boy said with excitement.
"Yeah." Kageyama looked down. So Hinata tried to make him feel better. In his...own way.
"Ya know, when I was your age I was more excited about things", Hinata said only being a few months older.
"You know when I was your height-"
"*GAAAASP* I am deeply offended you stupid beanstalk full of blueberries." Hinata shot back. Kageyama chuckled. And Hinata blushed.
"O-okay stupid, let's go down to the cafe get food and sleep, it's gonna get late in no time and we didn't have much homework today", Hinata said trying to change the topic.
"Fine with me, Boke..."

Kageyama and Hinata then got their food from the campus's cafe and were ready for bed. Kageyama fell asleep first. He was snoring to his heart's content. They were lucky to have separate rooms, or Hinata would have been up for the whole night. But he didn't mind, he would just stare at him all night.
"Night, Kageyama...", Hinata pressed his lips against Kageyama's cheek and left to his room.

D-did Hinata just-. It appears someone was away after all...

Okay yeah. I can't sleep. I don't care if it's 1:00AM and my parents might kill me. I needed to finish this. Dang, the difference of these chapters will kill me. Ones too short, ones too long. So yeah. Uhm, hope you like the chapter 👁👄👁

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