Chapter 7 - Day at the beach

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Wearing a black one piece swimsuit with a pentagram straps in front, under a f/c dress, you grab the small bag you packed for the day. Slipping on sandals you walk to the elevator wearing a sun hat. As the elevator reached the lobby you walk out to see everyone waiting.

"There she is!" Charlie pulled you quickly out the door, forcing everyone into the limo.


You weren't surprised to see the ocean blood red and sand black as night. You place down your towel and umbrella next to the girls who did the same. The bright Pentagram sun shone down on the group as everyone went into a changing stall one by one to get ready. Being the last out you walked over and stuffed your clothes in your bag. Stretching you see Angel flirting with Husker who looked close to committing murder.

"Angel! Last one to the water is a virgin!" Angels head spins to you, quickly you dash into the water as Angel was quick in pursuit. Running into the cold water you look to see Angel glaring at you. "Virgin,"

"You suck,"

"Better than you, apparently," Angel gasps in offence.

"Says who?!" Bursting into laughter you fall back into the water. "Answer me!" He splashed water at you making you growl. "Ok I'm sorry!" Grinning you send a giant splash his way drenching his puffy white hair. "Oh you're dead," you squeal and run out the water and pass the girls who were too busy reading to each other like the lovey dovey couple they are. Making a sharp turn you dive to the beach bag that Charlie brought and took out a water gun. Running into the water you fill up the gun and spray Angel.

"Loser," you stick out your tongue as Angel holds out two guns already filled. "What the fuck?!" Sprinting away from the spider you try to shoot and run at the same time only to bump into someone. "Shit-" you look up to see Alastor looking down at you. Looking behind you see Angel aiming his guns and shooting, with no other choice you use the radio demon as a demon shield.

"Oh fuck-" Angel whispers as Alastor gets hit. Expecting Alastor to retaliate to Angel he instead turns around with a twitching grin. You hold in a laugh as you see his wet face, using your gun you spray more water on him. "No, nevermind you're fucked now, Y/n," giving a chuckle you back away from the demon who was quick to pick you up bridal style and throw you into the nearby water.

"Al-!" You go under the water and quickly swim up with a scowl on your face. Alastor walks casually into the water with a satisfied smirk.

"Well deserved, my dear," as he turns away you splash a wave of red water on his back. His head snaps back as he turns a full 180 and grins.

"Fuck-" Alastor tackles you into the water just as you try to get away. Once at the surface you frown at Alastor let's out a laugh. "Assbutt,"

"I'm not sure what the means, my dear, but I will not take it to heart,"

"How is she not dead?" Angel whispers to Charlie who shrugs.

"Beats me..." an idea pops into Charlie's head at this moment. "Hey! Chicken fight?" Angel grins and takes Huskers hand, making him ditch the booze. Quickly Angel held up a slightly drunk Husker and Charlie held up Vaggie. Noticing the ready fighters you swim over excitedly leaving Alastor confused.

"Chicken fight! Get ready... set... Go!" The pairs immediately went to war as you laughed at a drunk Husker trying to push a very much sober Vaggie off Charlie.

"What are they doing?" Alastor walks up beside you with interest at the game.

"Chicken fight, have you never played? It is so fun!" As Husker and Angel get pushed into the water Vaggie and Charlie yell in victory. "That was awesome! My turn!" You were about to look to Angel to put you on his shoulders but instead Alastor picked you up by the waist and put you on his shoulders. "Really?"

"First time for everything, my dear," grinning you pat his head making him blush.

"Onwards my trusty steed!" As Vaggie and Charlie get ready with grins you were the first to get a hold of Vaggie. "You're dead!"

"In your dreams!" Vaggie wrestles you as Charlie sent a playful glare at a smiling Alastor. Using more force you push Vaggie downwards instead of back making Charlie's legs buckle, they both fall into the water as you declare victory.

"Woohoo!" You tussle Alastors hair before falling back into the water. "Good job, Al!" You hold up your hand which he high fives with a small blush. "I'm hungry... food time!" Swimming to the shore you walk out the after and rummage through basket for a sandwich. Soon Angel and the girls follow.

"What's the deal with you and Y/n?" Alastor turns to Husker.

"Whatever do you mean, Husker?"

"You hate being touched,"

"I certainly do not, contact is essential for-" Husker hugs Alastor making the radio demon summon his microphone and raise it to Huskers neck.

"Told ya," Husker swims towards the shore as Alastor stood smiling, a glare kept on the cat demon.


If we don't get a beach episode bish be sure I'm rioting~ 💕✨

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If we don't get a beach episode bish be sure I'm rioting~ 💕✨

- Anna ❤️

Radio Love: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now