Chapter 22 - Surprise?

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Looking through the fridge you casually talk with your shadow, knowing that everyone was busy during this time. Angel was out doing... things... Husk was at the bar and wouldn't come into the kitchen until lunch. Niffty was cleaning the rooms in the hotel while Charlie and Vaggie were dealing with paperwork. Alastor would be around the hotel but he knew about your shadow so it wouldn't matter. Taking a bite of a strawberry you blush making your shadow grin.

"You're thinking about him again~" it sings.

"Am not," you lean against the counter and stare at a wall, your blush growing larger as your thoughts wandered.

"You are, you're a blushing mess," rolling your eyes you take another strawberry and bite into it.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the shadow rolls it's eyes and clicks it's claws in front of your face.

"Hello? You are in love you dumbass!" Shushing the shadow you sigh.

"It's not love... and anyways I'm not exactly the right candidate for the all powerful radio demon..." you mumble quietly.

"Whatever!" The shadow folds it's arms and stares at you. "He kissed you right?" You hum in agreement. "And kisses back when you kissed him, right?" You hum again. "Then obviously that shows interest!"

"I complimented him, he probably felt the need to-"

"Kiss you? Right because the immediate response to someone complimenting you is to kiss them!" The shadow throws its arms in the air making you roll your eyes.

"Oh shut up, you know what I mean... can we talking about something different? There's a new episode of supernatural I want to check out and-"

"Oh what the fuck?!" You stop mid sentence and look to the door way where Angel was stood looking slightly terrified.


"Y/n, what the fuck is that?!" You stop leaning on the counter as your shadow hides behind you. Soon Charlie, Vaggie, Husk and Niffty rush in.

"The hell?" Your shadow disappears from the prying eyes of your friends. "Was that the same shadow from the party?"

"Surprise?" You chuckle nervously, rubbing your forearm. Looking Charlie in the eyes you could see a slight fear making you frown. "It... it won't hurt you! Don't worry..." a light sigh escapes Vaggies mouth making you look down.

"What can it do?" Looking up you see Niffty walk up to you curiously.

"Whatever I want... but it also kinda does what it wants," your shadow pops up again, slowly looking over your shoulder. The group steps back slightly making it hide more. "Hey it's ok," you coo to the shadow like a mother would to it's child.

"Cool..." Charlie whispers making the shadow smile. "Is it like... a part of you?"

"Pretty much, it knows what I know... probably more," you take another strawberry and eat it. "There's actually something cool I learned," clicking your fingers your shadow grins and takes out a saxophone. Careless whisper starts to play making Angel burst into laughter.

"Ok that's good," Angel high fives the shadow making it grin.

"Thanks," everyone goes silent. "I can shut up..."

"No! That's so cool!" Charlie squeals. "Is this like Alastors shadow voodoo stuff?" She says with weird hand motions.

"Maybe... I'm not sure though... think of it as Dr Facilier from princess and the frog, minus the extra voodoo worship stuff," Charlie smiles as everyone else shrugs. "What I want to know is why now? Whatever reason... for now this case remains unsolved..."

"Did you just quote buzzfeed unsolved?" You grin at Vaggie making her stare weirdly at you.

"Didn't it come out in 2016?" You suddenly realise.

"HellTube exists," clicking your tongue you nod.

"Fair enough," you shadow puts down the saxophone and disappears. "Hey, Charlie... uhm... I was wondering if I could apologise to your father about what happened?"

"He's actually coming here today with my mom,"

"Charlie?" A motherly voice calls out from the lobby making Charlie smile.

"The timing is impeccable," you smile and walk out the kitchen with everyone.

"Y/n! How are you?" You awkwardly walk to the king and queen of hell.

"I'm pretty good, thanks for asking... I actually wanted to apologise to both of you for that scene that happened a while back,"

"Oh, dear, that's quite alright, you have nothing to be sorry about," you smile up at Lilith who had a loving smile. She opens arms letting you hug her, doing so you grumble. "What's wrong?"

"Why the heck am I so short?" Lilith laughs and pats the space between your horns. "Well, as usual I'm hungry... brb dweebs," leaving the queens embrace you walk back to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Walking back out soon with a sandwich you lean against Angel who was only half listening to the conversation.

"Will you guys stay for long?"

"I'm not sure, sweetheart," Charlie frowns making her mother slant her smile.

"Have you guys ever been to a club?" You pipe up making everyone turn to you. "We could all go to Mimzy's club," Charlie lights up instantly.

"Yes! That's a brilliant idea! Oh, Y/n, you could even sing," you nod.

"I'll call Mimzy if I'm needed," taking out your phone you text Mimzy who was quick to reply and place you in a slot at 6. "I got a slot at 6,"

"Wonderful, will Alastor be joining?" Lucifer asks with a hidden grimace.

"Certainly," The Radio demon walks into the lobby with his usual smile. "Wouldn't miss it," you open up Hellify and scroll through songs.

"Any song recommendations?" You turn to everyone, looking up from your phone.

"Oh I got one!" Angel raises his hand.

"No," he pouts. "I know what you want me to sing," he raised a brow. "You were going to make me sing Annaconda by Nikki Minaj,"

"Dammit," Angel clicks his fingers.

"How about Toxic? But like a jazzy version," You raises a brow at Vaggie. "Just search something up," searching it up you nod, finding said version of it.

"This is why Vaggie is superior," stuffing your phone in your pocket you walk away just before giving Lucifer a high five. "See ya tonight, losers!... And Vaggie," a few scoffs leaves the group as Vaggie snickers. Getting back to your room you listened to the song over and over until you got it memorised.



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- Anna ❤️

Radio Love: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now