Chapter 37 - Velvet to the rescue

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Other than the soft jazz playing in the room your sigh was the only thing that filled your ears. Bored out of your mind you realise how many days had passed... you had eaten in your room for every meal, according to Alex, the goat demon, his boss was very very busy so you wouldn't be able leave your room. Eyes focused on the white ceiling you turn your head to the clock, which sound you had drowned out.

Half past eight...

Getting up you change the record playing. Putting on a electro swing track you slowly dance to the beat, from the V-step to the T-step you danced along to the tunes. A slow clap filled the room when the song ended making you jump and back up against the window.

"Don't be afraid, darling, I'm just here to say good morning," gulping, Mephisto walked forward and kissed your hand softly.

"G-good morning,"

"Don't stutter," he growled making you cower. "Sorry, my darling, forgive me... fear just doesn't suit your lovely face," he kisses the top of your head. Giving a hopefully confident nod he chuckles. "Get dressed for breakfast," he quickly left the room, giving you the chance to let out the held in breath.


Alastor was dreading today... today was the day when every overlord in hell would meet up... at least those who had interest in your company which would mean him, Rosie, Vox, Velvet, and Valentino... Rosie being the only real overlord friend he had he hoped no one would go off topic.

"Al, the limo is here," Plastering a smile on his face he exited his room after Charlie's knock and announcement.


The sound of cutlery against porcelain plates filled the silence. The distance from Mephisto to you gave you a Beauty and the Beast vibe... minus the love part.

"You may be wondering why I was so busy," Not really... you thought to yourself. "Well, I was merely handling hell's business, things Lucifer isn't exactly fond of... so very sorry about that,"

"That's alright," you say softly, scared to anger him. "I have a question..."

"Yes, my darling?"

"Are you and Lucifer close?" He chuckles and shrugs.

"We aren't buddies but we do talk from time to time. Business only though," giving a short nod you get back to your food.


"Now that we're all here... we need to discuss a pressing matter, Y/n has gone missing," Vox stops admiring his claws, Rosie stops tapping her fingers on the table, Valentino adjusts his heart shaped glasses, and Velvet looked up from her phone.

"What?!" Vox sat upright and glared at Alastor. "What did you do to her?" He growls.

"Me? An absurd claim, who knew your puny brain could shrink any more!" Al says calmly, with a deadly grin.

"Oi! Don't talk to him like that!" Velvet looks up from her phone and digs her nails into the wooden table making Lucifer sigh in annoyance.

"I will talk to him however I want, Velvet, my dear," Alastor says smugly making the doll fume and lean back with a huff, getting back to her phone.

"Alright, let's calm down a little," Rosie gets everyone's attention and points to Lucifer who nods in thanks.

"Right, well, evidently, none of you took her, and no one in my inner circle would dare to do such a thing," Lucifer says, in thought. "So... any ideas?" Silence filled the room until Valentino raised his hand.

"She was taken by angels," Vox facepalms.

"Extermination is until a few months you imbecile!" Vox shouts. Valentino rolls his eyes.

"They could have come early,"

"No they couldn't have or more sinners would have been taken!" Vox retorts. The two bickered back and forth as Charlie sighed in annoyance, her group staying silent, Alastors eye twitching in stress.

"He's not wrong," Velvet speaks up making everyone turn to her.

"What? How?" Velvet kept her eyes on her phone when met with Lucifers question.

"Technically her captor isn't an angel anymore... but it still counts," Charlie leans forward for more answers. "I think Lucifer here knows her captor," everyone turns to Lucifer with questions.

"Who is it?"

"You said no one in your inner circle, you're wrong there, there's one person who-"

"For the sake of my sanity stop being cryptic!" Alastor hisses making Velvet laugh.

"Alright, jeez... it's that dude Mephistopheles," Lucifer looked shocked for a second.

"Uncle Mephisto?" Charlie says, worriedly.

"Who the hell is that?" Valentino looks around for an answer.

"The second angel to fall from heaven with me," Lucifer sighs.

"Where does that son of a bitch live?" Husk says angrily, stopping his streak of silence.

"No body knows-" Lucifer was cut off however by Velvet.

"2 miles south of the city," she says casually which makes everyone deadpan to her. "What?" Alastor stands up and dusts off his coat before summoning his microphone and disappearing from sight. "Dramatic," she giggles.

"Everyone has their own means of transport?" Everyone nods and dispersed from the room.


Days passed one by one, you were allowed into the maze of a garden and to walk freely in the halls. Finally getting the layout of the house you passed the front door and fiddled with the grand handles like every other day. To no avail you walked to the gardens and looked around the tall hedges, walls that kept you captive in the garden. Looking around the empty land you tied your loose laces before quickly jumping off the balcony that dropped into the open land. Sighing in disbelief you dashed away from the mansion.

"I- I cant believe it," the wind against your face you dashed around trees, breaking twigs and squishing dead leaves. Looking back you regretted it immediately when you made impact with a tall structure.

"Did you think you could escape so easily?" Crawling backwards you see a dark grin on Mephistos face. "You stupid girl!" He picks you up by the collar and drags you back.

"Let go of me!" You scream for help making him grumble. Clawing and scratching at his hand, your hand passed through the smoke, yet his grip kept tight. Using your hand you took a handful of dirt and smeared it on his suit. He looks down at you with a dark sadistic look making your eyes widen in fear.

"You bitch," darkness engulfed you and soon you were in the mansion. He threw you across the ground. Whimpering at the carpet burn you backed up against the wall only for him to pick you up by the hair. Screaming in pain at the harsh grasp he slaps you across the face. Tears spilt from your eyes as he dropped you to the ground. "You should have behaved,"

"S-stop!" Your wrists turned blue because of his tight claws around it. He dragged your pained body up the stairs and to your room. He pushed you into the room and clenched his fists. "N-no, stay back,"



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- Anna ❤️

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