Chapter 36 - Lucifers help

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After being lead out of the cell you walk side by side with the creepy fallen angel. His eyes were focused on the path to whatever room he had prepared, when reaching a flight of stairs he held out his hand for you to take. Fearing of making him mad you take it as he leads you out the basement and into a large hall.

Looking up at the fallen angel you finally take a good look at him. He was made out of smoke... or was his body just slightly coated with it? You didn't know but his face had deep black eyes and a grin with pearly white canines. His hair stood upwards and moved like a black flame which complemented his black suit and tie. Averting you're gaze you scan the hall. Black carpet lined the halls floor leading to a glass door looking out to the city in the distance.

"No, darling, don't look at that," his other hand makes you face away from the view as he leads you out the hall into the main foyer where there was a large marble staircase. Repeating the actions you did at the basement stairs the two of you walk up the stairs then down the hall on the right, the house- no this mansion... it was huge... "I hope this suits your taste," he opens a door, similar to many of the other dark oak doors.

"I-..." the room was perfectly fitted to you. Light F/c walls, dark shades of the colour for the bed covers. A record player and records were set by the window, that looked out to the city. A bookshelf and desk were perfectly situated in the corner, a velvet couch at the foot of the bed. Walking in you see a door that led into a marble bathroom, elegant and modern, connected to it was a walk in closet filled with clothes, upon further inspection the clothes were all your size. Even the shoes fit your style!

"Well?" You turn around to Mephisto who was grinning hopefully.

"It's great," you says gratefully, hoping not to get stripped of these perks.

"That's good..." he walks forward, making you step back in fear as he towered over you. "Don't be afraid, darling, I just wish to say goodnight, if you need anything just ring this bell," he pulls out a small golden bell and rings it. A small goat demon waist height runs in. "Alexander, please bring Y/n her dinner," the goat nods and scurries off, reminding you of Niffty. "I'm sorry, I had dinner earlier so you will have to eat in your room alone, but I do hope those records entertain you,"

"T-thank you," he smiles and kisses your hand lightly.

"Goodnight, darling,"

"G-Goodnight," he nods and leaves the room quickly letting you breathe finally.


"Idyo enkapab!" The shadows look down sadly as Alastor took out a bloody handkerchief. "Use this," he holds it up to a shadow who sniffs it and grins. "Try again," Alastor gives a threatening glare making the shadows whimper and exit the hotel quickly. Folding up the handkerchief the group glanced at each other.

"Uh... Al? Was that blood?" Charlie asked cautiously, pointing to the stained handkerchief.

"Yes it is," Alastor places it in his inner coat pocket and sits back down at the dining table to continue his breakfast.

"Why do you have a handkerchief with... Y/n's blood?" Vaggie questioned the source of the blood as Alastor blushed slightly, his smile never ending.

"Just a small incident," he says casually before sipping at his coffee. Husk narrows his eyes at the Radio demon who read his daily paper.

"Why do you have her blood, you son of a bitch?!" Husk slams his paw in the table making everyone jump.

"Calm down, sweet cheeks, Al just has a blood kink," Vaggie spits out her drink as Charlie drained of colour. "Don't worry, Y/n kinda likes it," Husk faces falters as Alastor had symbols surrounding him.

"Angel..." His eyes turn into radio dials as Angel chuckles in fear. "It's rude to talk about such things out loud. Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?"

"Sorry! I take it back! Jeez..." Alastors shadow appears behind angel and smacks him in the head. "Ow!"

"Well deserved, my dear," Angel grumbles and continues to eat with a scowl on his face.

"Al?" Charlie pipes up again.

"Yes, Charlie?"

"I think we should talk to my dad... it has been a few days since Y/n went missing..." Alastors eye twitches making Charlie laughs nervously. "Just a suggestion-"

"And a good one indeed!" Alastor stands up suddenly. "Shall we leave soon?" With wide eyes Charlie nods in disbelief.


"Charlie! What are you doing here?" Lilith greeted her daughter when she caught them entering the front door.

"We have a problem... Is dad here?" Lilith nods and leads them to a study room.

"Darling, Charlie and her friends are here," Lucifer looks up from his papers and smiles.

"Come in!" Alastor walked in first and sat in one of the seats in front of Lucifers desk. "Alastor, my friend, how may I help you?"

"Lucifer... dreadfully sorry to disturb you, but we seem to have a problem on our hands," Lucifer raises a brow as the Radio demon continues. "Y/n has gone missing,"

"What? When?" Lucifer seems to show some concern for the disappearance of his friend.

"A few days ago,"

"And why wasn't I informed sooner?" Lucifer narrows his glare at Alastor who kept up his grin.

"Because I had my own sources searching for her. God forbid I disturb the almighty Lucifer with such a problem," Lucifer scowls and stands upright.

"Nonsense, Y/n is a friend I hold dear to my heart, you should have taken this up with me the moment she was gone," Lucifer directs this to Charlie who lowered her head. "Now..."


Princess and the frog is the best Disney Princess movie and Hercules is the best other Disney movie- I don't take constructive criticism- but I would like to know ur fave disney movie-

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Princess and the frog is the best Disney Princess movie and Hercules is the best other Disney movie- I don't take constructive criticism- but I would like to know ur fave disney movie-

- Anna ❤️

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