Chapter 30 - Fat Nuggets

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It had been a month and Angel had started to be suspicious, closing and even locking his door. Sneaking food into his room and hardly hanging out anymore. Being his best friend, for obvious reasons this annoyed you. Hearing a giggle from the other side of the spiders door you groan and knock on the door loudly.

"Who is it?!"

"It's me! Your best friend! Remember I exist?!" You hear a muffle and the shuffling of feet before the door unlocked and opened slightly. "What you up to?"

"Nothing, babes," he goes to shut the door but your foot stops him. "What?"

"Let me in," you growl.

"No!" He says sternly, shoving the door as hard as he could. You bantered back and forth before he sighed and gave in. "Fine! But don't say a word to anyone... especially Vagatha," you nod as he lets you in.

"What are you hiding?" Looking around his messy room you spot a moving bundle under blankets. "What the fuck?! Is that a rat?!" You grab one of his slippers and point it at the lump.

"What?! No! That's my secret..." slowly the blankets unravel to show a cute little pig with a bow on its neck. "Meet Fat Nuggets," you stare bewildered at the animal before your brain started to function.

"Oh my sweet baby Castiel!" You run over and hesitantly pet the pig who gave a cute snort. "Where the hell did you get this?"

"Its a he... and I found the little thing in an alley! I couldn't help but take him home..." Angel stares lovingly at the animal before looking at you. "You won't tell them right? Please, Y/n, don't! They'll make me get rid of him," you see tears water in the spiders eyes making you frown.

"You take me for a snitch? Fuck no, this will be our little adorable secret!"


"Hey, Kid, mind helping?" You nod and help Husk restock the shelves. "What's got you so busy?" You giggle and shrug. Alastor's eyes slowly gaze upwards to the two of you before hearing Angels voice.

"Babe! Come on!" Getting down from the stool Angel drags you out the bar as you giddily jumped on his back and rode to the elevator.

"Damn kids," Husk growls as Alastor quirks a brow before sipping on his coffee.


"Oh god! That's perfect! Oh my-" Niffty quirks a brow and presses her ear up against the door. A few giggles escape the crack in the door making Niffty furrow her brows.

"Fuck! Yes, yes, just like that!" You scream out happily. Niffty squirms and runs away from the weird noises from Angels room. Alastor passes by hearing the noises and scrunches up his face before growling and walking away.


"Fuck, finally! That took forever!" You groan and collapse on the bed.

"Pussy," you flip Angel off as he holds up a perfectly dolled up Fat Nuggets; skirt, bow, hat and all. Angel places the pig on your stomach, it quickly makes itself comfortable on your stomach and starts to doze off.


Alastor glared from afar as you took Angels hand and swung it back and forth as you both made your way to the elevator to Angels room. Ruffling the newspaper Husk grins.

"Jealous?" The Radio demons scoffs and shakes his head. "Liar," the cat goes back to shuffling cards he lays them out as Alastor hides behind his paper.


"My dear, I was wondering if-"

"Sorry, Red, kinda busy!" The demon stands shocked as you ran off into Angels room.

"I-" he sighs and grumbles, walking off to his own room and shutting the door.


"Where are you guys going?" Charlie asks as you and Angel dismiss yourselves from the dinner table.

"We're going to have sex," you playfully slap Angels arm and shake your head before walking off.

"Do you think they're serious?" Vaggie asks, slightly concerned. Niffty nods making everyone turn to her.

"I heard noises from Angels room!" She does spooky hand gestures making everyone pale.

"Like what?" Niffty thinks before smiling.

"Stuff like, 'oh my god!' And 'fuck! Yes, yes, that's perfect!' And-"

"Ok that's enough!" Charlie nervously takes her napkin and places it away next to her empty plate. "Who would've thought?" Vaggie shrugs before leaving the room with her girlfriend.

"Jealous yet?" Husk nudges a fuming Alastor, who had light static surrounding him.

"Absolutely not," Alastor dusts off his coat before disappearing from sight.


Knocking on the door of Angels room, no reply was heard giving Alastor the ok. He goes to open the door only for it to be locked. Sighing he summons a key and unlocks the door, pushing it open and walking into the dimly lit room. Looking past the bathroom he sees you and Angel cuddling on the fluffy bed. A weird feeling rises in his stomach making him sneer with a smile.

"Al?..." you slowly look to the door to see the Radio demon glaring. Pulling up the blanket you sit upright to face the demon.

"Sorry to interrupt..." a slightly angry and sad look passed his face as he leaves the room.

"The fuck?" Angel looks up as Fat Nuggets pops up from under the blanket. "What happened?" He asks with a groggy voice.

"Nothing... I'll be back," pulling on one of Angels sweaters you open the now unlocked door and peer down the hall. "Al?" You walk towards his door and knock lightly on it.

"Yes?" You see him glare down at you slightly, hiding behind his door. "What can I do for you?"

"Are you alright?" He nods and closes the door making you sigh. "Let me in, Al," a moment passes and soon the door opens slightly wider.


Now tell me that grin isn't hot-

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Now tell me that grin isn't hot-

- Anna ❤️

Radio Love: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now