Chapter 13 - Happy Deathday!

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"Happy deathday!" You spring out of your sleep and hit the backboard of your bed.

"Told you it was a bad idea," groaning you rub your horns which had likely left a dent in the backboard.

"What in the name of sweet baby Castiel are you doing?!" You peak open an eye to see everyone in your room.

"Who's Castiel?"

"Only the cutest angel ever!" Laying back in bed. "Other than Gabriel and Balthazar... oh and if you're not including Luci-"

"Are you calling my father cute?"

"Nah, I mean Mark Pellegrino's Lucifer... wait I'm getting off topic," you turn to the utterly confused group. "I ask again, what are you doing in here at-" you look at the time. "SEVEN IN THE MORNING?! Get out. For the Chuck's sake let me sleep until nine..."

"Who the fuck is chuck?"

"God," you get off the bed and push everyone out your room. "I will see you in two hours," locking the door you jump back in bed and close your eyes hoping to get back to sleep quickly.


Now dressed in ripped jeans and a red plaid top, you tied your hair back. Exiting the elevator you walk into the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee and down the entire thing as everyone watched. As Charlie was about to speak you hold up a finger and stop her.

"Wait for it to hit..." waiting a while you feel a little more hyper. "Alrighty, so anyone want to tell me why you guys barged into my room?"

"We wanted to celebrate your deathday!" Giving a confused stare you turn to Angel.

"In hell we celebrate deathdays and not birthdays," slowly nodding you sit down in your usual seat. "So happy deathday, babes," Niffty runs into the room with a cake and places it down in front of you. It had red fondant and black icing with the phrase 'Happy Deathday, Y/n!', it had a small smiley face at the bottom of the text making you smile. At the front there was one giant pentagram and black frosting around the edges of the cake.

"Any mandatory songs?" You quirk a brow at Charlie who shakes her head sadly. The five blood red candles light up instantly as Alastor clicks his fingers.

"Make a wish, toots," nodding you close your eyes and make a wish. Opening your eyes you look around and frown. "What did you wish for?"

"A boyfriend but apparently the universe isn't on my side today," you grumble making Husk ruffle your hair.

"No boyfriends," you roll your eyes.

"Yeah ok, dad," You has realised Husk had become more of a father figure to you, after getting to know him. You didn't have a strong relationship with your real father so Husk was the best placement for that roll, even if it was many years too late.

"Happy deathday, kid," Husk gives you a hand made card. Opening it up you see a single dollar with a note.

Happy deathday, kiddo,

Stay bright and annoying like your usually are. Love you like a daughter or whatever...

- Husk

"Aww, Husk this is adorable! Thank you," you hug the cat demon who pats your head, secretly loving the hug.

"My turn! This is from me and Vaggie," Charlie hands over a neatly wrapped box. Slicing open the paper you open the box to see bath essentials; candles, soaps, salts and bath bombs.

"This is perfect, thank you," you hug the girls but stop when Angel barges in.

"Alright, my turn," Angel gives you a rectangular box with a pink bow. Untying the box you open the box and see a pair of red fluffy handcuffs. Holding it up for everyone to see Angel grins.

"Uhm... Angel, what am I meant to use this for?"

"Whatever you want, toots," nodding your place it back in the box. "Be grateful, I've been needing one of those,"

"Why don't you have mine?" You hand the box back over to Angel who smiles.

"Really?" You give a confident nod. "Aw, thanks, babes!" Letting out a soft laugh Angel gives you a tight hug. After the hug Niffty handed you over a deep box. Opening up the polka dot lid you peer inside to see stuffed figures.

"Niffty! These are so cute!" You pull out the figures, they were of everyone in the hotel; you, Angel, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Niffty and Al. "Did you sew these?" The redhead nods. "These are brilliant, thank you,"

"No worries," giving the small demon a hug, Al was the last, you didn't expect a gift from him, yet he handed over a red velvet box. Slowly opening the box you see a simple chain necklace with a tear shaped ruby.

"Al... this is beautiful..." you carefully pick up the necklace and place it in your hand, the cool metal resting in your palm. "I can't possibly accept this,"

"I insist," giving an unsure smile you nod and hug the Radio Demon who seemed to tense up but relax soon. Unclasping the necklace you try and place it around your neck, only to fail. "Let me," Al takes the necklace and places it around your neck as you move away your hair. The gem sent a shiver down your spine as did the cool hands of the Radio demon. Once the necklace was secure you walked to the mirror in the dining room and smiled at your reflection.

"I love it!" A soft smile plastered itself on the red clad demon, his hands resting on his microphone. Husker nudges the radio demon who looked down at his friends knowing grin.


Now back in your room you placed Vaggie and Charlie's gifts in the bathroom for tomorrow night. Taking the dolls of your friends you place them on a shelf along with the card Husk gave you. Sorting the dolls out you placed Vaggie and Charlie together, Husk and Angel, and Al and Niffty. Taking your doll you smile down at it before placing it in the centre of the group.

"Bed time," you yawn and stretch. Changing into your pajamas you get comfortable in bed before eyeing the dolls on the shelf. Standing back up you grab the plushies and Steve them next to you on the bed. Now under the covers you hug the group of dolls tight before turning over and falling into a dreamless sleep.



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- Anna ❤️

Radio Love: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now