Chapter 35 - Taken

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That was all you saw. Pitch black. No light no nothing.

Clicking your fingers your try you best to ignite a fire but to no avail. Praying to whatever mighty being there was, you twist your wrist, a small flame conjuring in the centre of it.

"Oh thank Lucifer," focusing your energy it grows larger and travels the small room. "Where the fuck am I?" Rubbing the small headache you had in your temple you stand up and walk around the room.

"Glad to see you're awake,"

~2 hours earlier~

"Al, I'll be fine," you twist the tuffs of hair on your boyfriends head and smile sweetly.

"Mon kè, I just have a bad feeling," he mumbles. You nod and kiss his hand softly.

"I'll be ok... just deal with the hotel stuff first and then you can meet me at the club, ok?" He gives a curt nod before kissing you on the forehead. "I'll see you soon, bambi," leaving the hotel you walk down the street towards the club.

~1 hour before~

"Mimzy, my dear, have you see Y/n?" Alastor walks up to the plump woman with a wide grin.

"No, sorry, darling, she said she was sick, poor thing, shouldn't she be with you?" The radio demons eye twitches as symbols and static appear around him. "Somethings wrong isn't it?" The weird static stops and Alastor nods.

"I'm sure I will find her, don't fret," Alastor summons his microphone and bangs it against the wooden floor before disappearing from sight. Appearing in front of Angel, the spider screams and clutches his pig tight. "Angel, have you seen Y/n?"

"No? Why?"

"She seems to have gone missing," Angels face drops as he gets off his chair.

"SHE WHAT?!" Charlie rushes into the room in a panic. "Y/n is missing!" Alastor sighs as everyone is sent into hysteria.


"Who the fuck are you?" Silence. "A better question is where the fuck are you?" Backing up against the wall you let the fire travel around the room.

"I'm everywhere and no where, my darling," a whisper fills the room making you shudder in fear.

"I- I'm not your darling, you creep!" You stand up and ready your fists as the voice laughs.

"On the contrary, you've caught my eye, and now you're mine,"

"Piss off ghost!" You summon your shadow to circle the room to look for a threat only for it to shrug. "The hell?" Your shadow suddenly whimpers and merges with the ground, into nothing darkness. "Ok what?!" Walking to the ground where a pile of ashes was you run your hand through it with wide eyes.

"Poor thing..." looking up you see a Smokey grin. Standing upright you back up into the corner only to be pushed out again by a force. Smacking away the feeling on your shoulders you look back at the grin.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Mephistopheles, but you may call me Mephisto, if you behave..." letting out a scoff he was quick to cut you off. "Don't worry I know what your name is, beautiful really, Y/n... has a lovely ring to it,"

"Ok, second question, what the fuck are you?" Mephisto laughs out loud and sighs.

"A fallen Angel! The second to fall, in fact... oh how it hurt to lose my wings... but I did gain power here in hell! Other than Lucifer himself I would say I am the most powerful in this sinful land," 

"Didn't ask for you life story, dude," you grumble to the fallen Angel who smiles.

"Yes of course, very sorry, darling," scowling at the pet name he holds out a hand that seemed to be formed by a mist of sorts. "Would you like to see your room?" Quirking a brow you nod your head hesitantly before taking his hand which seemed to solidify at contact. It was cold and unwelcoming, not like the warm and comforting feeling of Al's hand... Al! Oh fuck, he must be so worried!


"Panicking will do nothing- Angel- Angel!" Alastor ducks as a chair was flung at him.

"Y/n is missing and you're acting as if she went on a stroll!" Angel sobs into Fat Nuggets shoulder(???) for comfort as everyone rushing around the hotel. Charlie was calling everyone she knew while Vaggie frantically sharpened her spear. Husk had gotten his paws on a shotgun while Niffty was stress cleaning.

"WILL YOU ALL CALM DOWN?!" Everyone stops what they were doing and looks at Alastor with shocked faces. "Wonderful, now, let us figure out her location," Alastor bangs his microphone on the ground, shadows appearing out of the base. "Find her," the Shadows grin and disperse out of the hotel doors.


"Now, let us use that phone properly, Charlie, try not to hang up before getting an answer," The group dropped their jaws as Alastor picked up the phone, a wind turning pages of Charlie's physical contact book.

"Hold on! Why didn't you use that when Y/n ran away?" Husk growls.

"Because, my dear Husker, she left at her own will!... now..." he lets out a dark laugh making everyone shift in fear. "Well, now is different because someone took her," static filled the room as Alastor waited for the phone to pick up.

"Hello?" The static stops and Alastor puts on a bright smile.

"Rosie, my dear, how are you?" The two overlords chatted while Vaggie turned to Charlie who shrugs with a fearful smile.


HSJDKDJDJSJDKSJ ANYWAYS- hope you enjoyed that eventful chapter!

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HSJDKDJDJSJDKSJ ANYWAYS- hope you enjoyed that eventful chapter!

- Anna ❤️

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