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" Rise and Shine sister! " Carol said. It took me a lot of strength to finally get up but in the end, I got up and shower. At 9.00 a.m I was already eating my pancakes, ready to go.

" Let's go, gang! " Dad said. It's embarrassing, having a dad that's old but talks like a teen. Pure cringe.

We boarded the car and we left the house. The camping location is pretty far, about 3 hours from our house, along the way, we sang songs, talked, well more liked-gossiped about stuff, and also ate a lot of snacks. It didn't take long before we finally arrived at the edge of the woods. We got out of the car, took our stuff, and headed deeper into the alluring woods.

" This seems like a good spot to camp, " Dad declared.

He picked a spot right next to the lake. Tall trees surrounded us, that way, if it's rain we won't get too wet. Our spot also is near a large bush we can use to change. The ground is clean and flat. The location is also near a fount with pure, icy water. A perfect place to camp.

It took us half an hour walk to find the perfect place. Normally, half an hour walk wouldn't hurt a fly, well, the thing is, we had to hike up, and down and up and down with a ton of boulders in our backs. Dad carried the tent, mom carried 2 sleeping bags, Carol and I each carried 1 sleeping bag, all this plus our super heavy backpacks. When we arrived, we piled the stuff in one place. Then, we started setting up.

" Okay, since it's almost dark, I will go gather some wood for our fire, honey, you prepare our dinner, Chloe and Carol set up our tents okay? " Dad instructed. We all directly did our separate duties.

Carol and I set up the tent in the most perfect place any tent could ever be. We first put a layer of small bushes and dried grass in the ground, it makes sleeping more comfortable, I laid the fabric we brought as the base of our tent while Carol sets up the tent. I also took a large blanket and laid it above the fabric, that way our bed will be more comfortable even if we don't use sleeping bags.

While we set up the tent, dad piled up the twigs in one place and put rocks around the pile. Then, he took a match and lit up the fire. The view of the burning fire was breathtaking. Mom gave us each corn, sausage, chicken, marshmallows all already lined up tidily on sticks. She also handed us each a cup of warm chocolate she just made in the campfire. That dinner was one of the most exquisite dinners I have ever had. Even though it's simple, it was just heavenly!

After dinner, mom, Carol, and I went to the fount to wash the cups and bring back some water to drink in case we get thirsty.

" Should we take a night stroll? " Dad asked. None of us replied. We weren't sleepy, but a night stroll isn't something we would typically do. Suddenly, Carol yawned. ' Oh, perfect,

We all know how adults act, when they see someone, usually a kid, yawning, they'll tell them to go straight to bed.

" Oh, Carol, you must be sleepy, let's go to bed, " Mom said. We went to the fount to brush our teeth and cleaned up a little. After that, we all went to the tent. None of us want to sleep inside the sleeping bag, it's probably scorching hot in there. Plus, you get all crammed up like a cocoon.

" Night guys! " I said. Dad put out the fire and we went to bed in pure darkness. 

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