Chapter Six | Feelings with Embarrassment

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I walked down the hallways to my room, taking the key from the front of my dress and unlocking the door - closing it behind me. I carefully took off the dress and corset, laying them down over the edge of the frame work of the bed and slipping on a robe. I walked back out to grab a glass of water, and to also check on the Doctor.

I walked into the control room, seeing the Doctor on the ground on his back, retrieving and moving wires from the panel. He saw me standing at the door and sat up. "Is everything alright?" He asked concerningly as I moved and sat on the metal floor next to him. "I just came out to grab a glass of water and check on you." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he smiled. "I'm fine, you know."

"I know, but you didn't talk to me though the trip back here. I'm also sensing some negativity on you." I spoke softly as he looked at me with his eyes; his beautiful brown eyes. "I promise you, nothing is wrong. I'm just a little peeved that Jack always gets in trouble one way or another." He sighed as I ran a hand through his slightly messy hair.

"Promise me you'll talk it out with him?" I asked with a concerned look. "Fine. I'll talk to him." He smiled as I put a hand on his face and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. He stood up and held a hand out for me, taking it and getting up as well. "Will you sleep tonight if I'm working on the TARDIS?" He asked as he looked down at the pile of wires on the floor. "I don't know." I sighed as I wrapped my arms around his neck again as he moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Try?" He questioned again with a small closed lip smile. "I'll try. You focus on Jack, alright?" I smiled back. He leaned his forehead on mine, closing his eyes as he put his hands on my hips. He leaned in close, inches from my lips.

"I heared my name?" I turned round, seeing Jack standing at the doorway. I looked at the Doctor, removing my arms and looked down at the ground. "I should go." I walked out of the control room and to my room, closing the door behind me. I launched myself into my bed, the darkness consuming me.

*Sorry this one was a little shorter! I was busy around Christmas!*

~ A Smith Addict

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