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Annika had her tongue out, drinking hot coffee was truly not a great idea when it had burnt the tip of her tongue

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Annika had her tongue out, drinking hot coffee was truly not a great idea when it had burnt the tip of her tongue. She cursed herself for being so impatient. It wasn't the first cup of coffee she was having right now, but in the last two hours, she already had three cups of caffeine. Still she couldn't come up with perfect lines to publish the article of Shivaay Singh Oberoi's mystery girlfriend to the newspaper.

Cursing herself under her breath, she pressed on the backspace button or rather, she held it for a longer time. Annika was running out of times, the deadline was tomorrow. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back on the chair, gaining all her strength and attention. She needed to do it, with a determined mind, she opened her eyes. 

But then, her phone pinged. Annika's fingers itched to grab hold of her phone and look into the message. Curiosity got her, with phone in her hand and a smile on her face when she discovered it was Shivaay's message. Yesterday, they haven't talked much or seen each other, much to Annika's dislike. 

The message said 'Tell me when you are done with your work, I will come pick you up' Annika stared at the message and then replied saying, 'No, no, don't come to pick me up. Wouldn't want the people to know now, do we? Tell me the address, I will be there on my own' She kept the phone aside when she clicked on the button send. 

Annika knew he would be busy now and would see her message after some hours. Maybe she understatementing him as she heard the phone vibrate. No, she needed to get done with the article and he was now distracting her. She wanted to reply to him back but she did not, rather, she shoved her phone into the side drawer. 

Annika craned her neck from side to side and stretched her both arms before getting ready to start with her work. 


"What is your opinion on this idea boss?" Lost in his own thoughts, Shivaay did not even bother to listen to what his team mates had to say.  He was stuck in a whirlpool of scenarios where he thought what Annika could be currently doing as she hadn't replied to him yet. 

"Boss?" The voice of his assistant, Aryan's voice said. Shivaay sighed, he had already admitted to himself that he hadn't paid any attention to any of the ideas thrown by his teammates. "The meeting has ended here, you can all leave" Shivaay announced while playing with a pen in his hands, looking utterly uninterested. 

"But you told that we were going to finalize a idea today"

"Tell me whether I am the boss or you are?" Shivaay threw a glare at Aryan and in seconds he shook his head. Afraid that he would be thrown out of the office like hundred other people. Gulping down, he gave Shivaay a small nod before exiting the conference room.

Now that Shivaay had all the time in the world to think about what she hadn't replied to his message, it strikes him then. They hadn't talked to each other the last day because they both were truly busy and maybe Annika wasn't much busy and wanted his attention? Shivaay shook his head, she wasn't a woman who would always want attention now, would she? Groaning, he threw his head back on the seat's head. 

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