iv. Crushed Up

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𝓬𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓭 𝓾𝓹


Just to clarify - it's not Sadie's fault!

It's not Sadie's fault that she always ends up day dreaming in the worst moments possible. It's not her fault that whilst Marianne was going over her Potions essay with her, she zoned out halfway through because she'd had the muggle song Saturday Night by Whigfield stuck in her head for the past six hours.

It's not her fault that mid Transfiguration lesson she'd let her mind wander and fell into a daze, unconsciously letting her eyes land on the Potter boy and having to quickly look away when he glanced at her puzzled, after feeling her burning gaze.

It's not her fault that she, for some odd reason, had become so attracted to bloody Harry Potter.

She found herself wondering what he was up to twenty-four seven, or, if she did see him, she'd be figuring out a plan to find a reason to come and talk to him. Sadie was beginning to cringe herself out - she felt like a stalker. She wasn't even sure what it was about him she liked so much... he was kind of fit, but he was also sweet. Whatever it was, it was taking over her daily life. Harry was probably getting creeped out, too, but luckily for her, he was about as observational as a rock, so he didn't really acknowledge the situation with the blonde Ravenclaw - as if there even was a situation from his point of view, which she knew there most likely was not.

Still, he gave her a friendly smile whenever she'd see him in the hallways, from now on - probably in return for having a part in helping him with the Gillyweed. There's a life lesson - being nosy and helping people even though they don't really want it apparently gets you friends!

Marianne and Chad took this opportunity to tease Sadie as much as they could. They were thoroughly enjoying the fact that she was the one of the group at the moment with a proper crush, and were making the most of it. They were like Sadie's parents, always wanting the ins and outs of everything, and trying to suggest things to do to try and make conversation. Sadie had to admit - she wasn't hating it. She was kind of excited too, you know! The girl was a hopeless romantic, and even anything close to a crush immediately brightened her mood everyday. The sun seemed to shine brighter and she looked at everything with heart eyes - even Filch's cat appeared to be more beautiful than she'd ever seen it before.

Although, standing in the Ravenclaw common room for half an hour with Marianne, as she waited for Chad to finish getting ready so they could go to Hogsmeade, was starting test how long she could stay in a gleeful mood for.

"Chad, get your fat ass down here, now!" Marianne called up the stairs to the boys dormitories.

"How loving!" a voice called back. "I won't be long, I promise, it's just I spilled ink on my jumper and I'm trying to get it off!"

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