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"What if we climbed the wall?" Ethan suggested. Blossom shook her head and tapped her pencil against the desk.

"That wouldn't work, we don't have a ladder, and the Cherry Blossom trees are obviously flimsy." She told him. He considered it and leaned against the wall.

"Okay you're not going to like this idea but," he started.

"If I'm not going to like it then don't mention it."

"But it could work," He pushed.

"Fine," Blossom huffed.

"Your dad has to have some way to get out of the place. He was able to leave and people were able to get in to kill all of the..." He choked. Blossom leaned back in her chair and frowned.

"You can't imagine how mad I am at you right now." She groaned.

"We don't have to do it," He said quietly.

"No, I'm mad because it's such a good idea." She sighed. "Let's go to his house." She pushed back her chair and stood up. Ethan walked next to her as they walked down the street.


"This is it," Blossom said. The house was obviously the boringest one, it didn't stand out. Blossom got a sick feeling in her stomach, she never went in this building she just didn't know why until now. She walked towards the door and shoved it open. The building was just how she remembered it, old and grey.

"It's so dusty," Ethan complained. Blossom walked over to the kitchen and turned the tap on. It came out rusty and dull. She looked around the room, the old couch, old TV, old table and chairs. "Blossom! I found something." Ethan said. Blossom walked over to where he was standing. Behind the couch was a giant hole with a ladder on the edge.

"Fuck," Blossom murmured. "Okay fine let's go down." She grasped onto the rusted bars, and felt the mud through her fingers. She climbed down with Ethan right above her for about half an hour. Every step down felt like burning through her hands.

She finally set her foot on the ground and ignored the water seeping through her shoes. "Come on I see a light!" Blossom called up to Ethan.

"I'm going as fast as I can." He told her. Blossom looked down the tunnel, mold grew from the ceiling and water was on the ground. Ethan came down next to her and looked forward.

"Woah," he said. Blossom nodded and started walking. They talked about where they were going and their lives before the hospital. Blossom felt a peace creeping up on her, and she felt happy.

A splash of water came behind her. She turned her head and her heart dropped. A bunch of military geared people were running towards them. In that moment her flight or fight response kicked in. She ran as fast as she could, hoping Ethan was next to her. She kept running, the water splashing against her legs, and her hair in her face.

She felt her heart beating so hard that nothing even felt real anymore. Then a gun went off and she stopped running, she turned around and saw Ethan with blood gushing from his leg. 

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