Twenty (Epilogue)

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"Stop it Issac!" The kid laughed.

"I'm not joking, they live in the old hut at the top of the hill!" Issac said.

"You're lying, the hut has been abandoned for a long time." He argued.

"We'll see if I'm lying Jake! Let's go there." Issac offered. Jake considered it for a minute before nodding his head.

"Deal! But if no one is there you pay me 20 bucks!" Jake smiled.

"Fine, but same if I'm right!" Issac said and stuck out his hand. Jake smiled and shook it.

They walked up the old trail. It had branches curling under their feet, and was littered with cigarettes. It had obviously not been in use for a while.

"I'm tired!" Jake complained.

"Just a little farther." Issac told him. He spotted an opening in the trees and ran to it. He looked out at the old hut. It had a deck and was raised above the ground. There was a fire pit next to it, and a clothing line on the other side.

"Woah! Let's go see if anyone lives there, get your money ready." Jake joked. They walked up the steps and to the door. They looked at the old door and knocked gently against it. No answer, so they knocked again. The door creaked open a little bit and Jake gasped.

"Who is it?" A girl asked.

"Uhm, Jake and Issac from the town," Isaac squeaked.

"Anyone else?" The voice asked.

"No," Isaac answered. The door opened a bit more to reveal a girl. She looked in her late twenties, she had crimson hair, and green eyes. A boy showed up next to her, with a cane made of a tree branch. He walked with a limp and looked in pain. He had soft blue eyes and golden hair.

"Hi, I'm Blossom and this is Ethan." Blossom smiled.

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