Chapter 7

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"No running, no jumping- don't even think about sparring- no acrobatics, no..." Master Che drones on as Obi-Wan secures his belt.

He would think that after five days of constant tests and monitoring, Master Che would be content with discharging Obi-Wan. No, she has to make things difficult for him.

"I think I've got it, Master." He says to stop her never-ending lecture. Her blue face is darkening as she rambles on, "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Hm." She crosses her arms over her chest, scowls, "Don't end up in here again, Kenobi, and I'd say we're even."

Obi-Wan steps out of his recovery room, takes a deep inhale of fresh air. A lot has changed since Hardeen was supposed to shoot him.

Windu took on the mission himself- and Anakin was given the satisfaction of arresting the Jedi Master in disguise as Hardeen. All Obi-Wan knows is that Windu has escaped prison alongside Cad Bane and Moralo Eval, and Windu's absence has been disguised 'officially' as a meditative retreat.

Anakin hasn't been told that Hardeen was hired by the Council. He's found a new interest to keep him occupied: making Ahsoka the 'coolest prosthetic leg in the universe.'

The Padawan's recovery room is Obi-Wan's first destination upon discharge.

Ahsoka looks up when he lightly knocks on the ajar door to her room. She's sat on her bed with the top raised, an untouched bowl of soup sitting on a tray across her lap. Still in a hospital gown, she looks small and vulnerable, especially with all the monitors surrounding her.

"Master Kenobi." She greets him, nodding slightly as her Force-signature swirls with relief. Was she happy to see him, of all people?

"You should be eating your food, young one, not playing with it." He says, entering the suite and shutting the door behind him. Every surface is adorned with flowers, platters of sweets and... flimsy cards?

"The meds have made me lose my appetite." She says with a sign before noticing him looking around, "The, uh, guys found out I would be out of action for a while."

"How thoughtful of them."

The men in the 501st truly adore Ahsoka. The only visitors he had were Master Che and Anakin- not that he wanted others to see him in such a state, anyway. Master Che only came to lecture him and perform regular ECGs whilst Anakin would stay and talk, normally for only thirty minutes at a time.

If your former Apprentice were in her position, wise one, you wouldn't want any distractions either.

He picks up one of the cards and reads out loud, "Dear Commander Tano. I am sorry to hear about your extensive injuries. Please contact me if you have any queries regarding your recovery. If it is alright with you, I would like to examine your vertebral body compression fracture for research. Best wishes, Sergeant Coric."

Ahsoka's smile is small, "Coric's always been formal. Wolffe sighed his card off with 'Yours sincerely.'"

Obi-Wan's surprised- even Commander Wolff sent her a card?

The next card he reads has a poorly drawn Togruta on the front- at least that's what he thinks it is. "Sir, it sucks that you won't be on the battlefield for a while. The Cap is going to be totally lost trying to fill your boots. Get well soon! Ridge." Obi-Wan frowns, "Signed with two kisses and two hugs."

"That's what the 'xoxo' stands for?" Ahsoka poorly feigns ignorance, and when she realises he isn't convinced, her smile falls slightly. "Attachment, I know"

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