Chapter 1

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A/N: This work was revised on 13/11/2020 - Comments may not align. 

Trigger warning (T/W): Strong language, graphic injuries and dark themes of regret and guilt. All other trigger warnings will be in bold at the start of chapters. Please take care whilst reading.

Thanks for all the support, and I hope you enjoy!


"This is impressive, Padawan," Master Yung says, examining Ahsoka's work with a sceptical eye, "I had much lower expectations from you."

Ahsoka forces a smile, "Thank you, Master."

Right now, giving her physics teacher an attitude won't get her out of this evening class for 'struggling students' any faster.

Actually, the fastest way to get out of this class is probably to just do the work, but Ahsoka can't get her head around all these numbers and equations the way R2 can. Like Anakin, she's much better at practical work. Sitting around and thinking has never been her thing.

Master Yung looks up from her work with a smug smile, "I haven't even taught you about Quantum Electrodynamics yet."

Busted: thanks, R2.

Ahsoka quickly comes up with a lie- which isn't hard considering Anakin's her teacher. "I researched it, Master."

"Really? Ahsoka Tano researched something?" Master Yung looks amused, and she definitely doesn't believe her.

Someone knocks on the classroom door and Ahsoka sags with relief when she sees Anakin poking his head through. Master Yung frowns, "Knight Skywalker, what are you doing here?"

"I've come to collect my Padawan, Master." He says, and Ahsoka can tell he's trying to keep a straight face, "It's an emergency. Ahsoka, get your things."

Ahsoka jumps up before Master Yung can reply, giving her teacher a quick smile before jogging out of the room. Anakin throws her a discreet wink as he holds the door open for her.

"Thanks for the save." She says once they're in the corridor, "What's the situation?"

Ahsoka's favourite part of leave is the occasional adventure she and Anakin get to go on, usually in the lower levels of Coruscant, working alongside Commander Fox and his men.

"Dinner." Anakin replies, casually strolling along.

"Dinner?" She frowns, "We're going out? I thought you were cooking tonight..." she halts in her tracks, "please, tell me you didn't set the kitchen on fire again."

"That was one time." Anakin says, takes her bicep to tug her along, "We're going out because your Grandmaster is also on leave and we all deserve some decent food."

"Master Obi-Wan's here?" She runs to catch up with him excitedly, "I thought he was on a campaign for the next month."

"The Council called him back yesterday." Anakin says as they reach the landing platform. "Something about the Chancellor's upcoming trip to Naboo."

Ahsoka easily spots his speeder, and to her delight, the great Negotiator is sat in the passenger seat. Ahsoka feels warmth spread through her chest when Obi-Wan raises a hand to give her a little wave, which she shyly returns.

"I'm terribly sorry to pull you from your class, Ahsoka." Obi-Wan says whilst she climbs into the backseat. "I'm afraid I'm on a rather tight schedule this evening."

"She was glad to leave that classroom anyways." Anakin teases, pulling the speeder out of the bay and into a lane of traffic. "We've all been working hard lately. A nice, lazy evening is well overdue."

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