Chapter 10

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Anakin severely underestimated how long the process would take to get the new leg attached. Whilst it wasn't a major op, Ahsoka needed a heavy dose of anaesthesia to get through the pain of the procedure.

As a result, an hour after the leg is secured, Ahsoka's just laid lazily on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"I don't remember the process being so long when I lost my arm." Anakin mutters, fiddling with his own cybernetic.

"She's younger than you were, and she's a Togruta." Tyson explains, "She has another five to six years of growing left to do; that's why we secured the prosthetic like this instead of like yours which is entirely detachable."

Anakin briefly smiles at the memory of taking his hand off in front of Ahsoka for the first time. She nearly threw up.

Then, he realises her injury is something she'll live with for the rest of her life. He'll need to teach her how to fix her cybernetic leg should it short-circuit or break like his hand constantly does.

He remembers being pulled to the ceiling by his forearm at the Citadel, imagines Ahsoka beside him, hanging upside down by her leg whilst she gets electrocuted. He shudders.

He really needs to find out who hired Hardeen to harm his Padawan.

"Epidurals wear off quickly on Togrutas, so it's nearly out of her system." Tyson says, typing on a datapad, "I can give her a drug to make her more alert, but the cool packs will need to stay on until the swelling comes down."

Anakin glances at her new knee, piled high with cool packs. Having a foreign object secured to the bottom of her thigh brought about a lot of inflammation and looks immensely sore. She could probably use the pain relief.

She is calm, Chosen One, and not in any pain. Is that not what you want?

"Let her float." He says, unlocking his own datapad. "I'll wait."

Anakin searches Hardeen on the GAR database. He wants to find out who hired the scumbag to target them and be the cause of Ahsoka's current condition.

Sure, he got to enforce some of his anger on Hardeen when he arrested him, but nothing will beat the satisfaction of making someone know they should never mess with Ahsoka Tano as long as Anakin Skywalker is alive.

Even after he's dead, he'll haunt whoever dares harm his student.

He clicks on the name of the Hardeen's most recent employer- finds an empty file.


A trip to the Archives it is. Tyson says he understands and will comm if necessary before Anakin leaves the Halls of Healing to find the one person who he thinks will be able to help.


"A blank criminal file in the GAR database? How peculiar." Jocasta Nu says, leading the young Skywalker to a computer terminal. "I am sure we will be able to find more information about this employer through our archival system."

"Yes, Master." Skywalker says, sounding distracted as he leans over the back of the chair she's sitting in. "The name is Lux Usor."

She pauses, her fingers resting on the keypad, "Lux Usor?"

"Yes," She can hear Skywalker frown, "Do you know who that is?"

"More like I know what that is." She turns to look at the Knight. "It is a codename."

His frown deepens, "What does it mean?"

"I believe it means 'light user' by definition." Jocasta folds her hands over each other on her lap. "I have not heard that codename be used in many years. In fact, I believe that the last time it was used was during the Mandalorian-Jedi war."

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