Chapter 21

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"Stay still," Ahsoka says, holding Lux down as she cleans the wound across his stomach, "I'm nearly done."

"I need to speak to King Dendup," he protests, wincing as she wipes the healing wound with a wet rag. Their bacta supplies are running low, so she has to make do.

"He won't go anywhere." If the King leaves their base, he'll be dead within minutes. Dendup isn't safe just because the rebels and Ahsoka rescued him from being executed.

She gets out a fresh roll of bandages and starts wrapping it around his middle- her paralysed hand making it difficult. Lux puts a hand on her shoulder to steady himself, his fingers brushing against her lekku.

"Sorry," he shifts his hand when she tenses up, "You don't like that, do you?"

"No," she exhales, pushing away the memory of Saw touching her lekku a few nights ago. "It's a Togruta thing."

She finishes dressing his wound in silence. The scars from Zygerria are still healing, and no matter how much the 501st and Anakin respect her, she'll always know how people see Togrutas across the galaxy.

"Steela said you helped save the King and General Tandin." Lux says several minutes later, pulling down his shirt once she's finished, "I knew you couldn't resist a good fight, Ahsoka."

It was hardly a fight- more like a scuffle, but the chevrons on her lekku still darken. "Am I becoming that predictable?"

"Only to Lux."

She spins at the voice of Saw behind her, sees him leaning against the doorway. There's a purple stain on his cheekbone, courtesy of when he overstepped his boundaries and Ahsoka's palm collided with his face.

She could've damaged him worse, but then somebody would've noticed.

"King Dendup wants to speak to you, Bonteri."

"Have I been discharged?" Lux asks hopefully.

"For now," she replies, intending to follow Lux out of the room.

Saw blocks her exit, taking up the entire door frame with his stature. Ahsoka takes a deep breath and tries to control herself before she throws him out of the way with the Force, "Can I help you, Gerrera?"

He grins like a cocky bastard, "Actually, you can."

"I was being sarcastic," she crosses her arms over her chest, "Now, move."

He steps aside, finally letting her pass. She's always been good at subtle Force-suggestions.

"I got electrocuted when General Kalani tried to get information out of me," he calls after her, "I should probably get checked out."

"I'm not a Doctor," she replies, not turning around, "If you're breathing and talking, then you're fine."

She heads towards the common area, wanting to get away from Saw and stay with the others. Anakin and Obi-Wan basically said the Council wasn't going to assist their rebellion against King Rash, so she needs to make sure Steela has a strategy or else the rebels will perish.

"Steela!" She calls, getting the woman's attention.

"Commander Tano," Steela turns to her, "Have we won the Jedi's support?"

Ahsoka hesitates, "Unfortunately not; I'll be the only Jedi fighting this battle."

Steela puts a hand on her shoulder- a gesture of respect following her efforts to save Dendup from being executed. "Then we will win."

Seeing Hondo is almost a relief, especially when the pirate reveals that Anakin ordered them the best weapons on the market. Ahsoka wonders how the Council will react to hearing that their most famous Knight has been smuggling rocket launchers illegally, but right now, she's just grateful for the extra firepower.

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