Chapter 8

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Mace feels the ship jolt, and he already knows it's Skywalker judging by the storm of rage swirling in the Force.

"Now what?" Eval whines.

"Jedi." Bane replies.

Mace scowls. He had a gut feeling that Skywalker would be coming after the fugitives. The Knight's never learnt how to let go of a grudge.

Mace isn't a pilot, but he's heard enough of Skywalker's space battle reports to know how he thinks. That's the only way he manages to evade him as they keep low to the surface. Skywalker isn't holding anything back- occasionally scuffing the lip of his ship with theirs and Mace knows it won't be long until he brings them down.

He notices the ship above them is put onto auto-pilot- which confirms Skywalker is alone. Suddenly, the Knight drops onto the nose of their ship, and he looks pissed.

"I'll take care of him." Mace says, going to stand. It's been a while since he and Skywalker sparred.

"No," Bane plants a hand on his shoulder, "it's my turn to shoot a Jedi."

Mace chuckles dryly, "It's cute that you think you can beat a lightsaber wielder with just a pistol. Leave this to me, Bane."

"What have you got that's better than a pistol?!" Bane yells as Mace exits the cockpit.

"A brain!" He calls back, and the Force.

Once outside, he jumps to where Skywalker is standing and pins the Knight to the ground. He manages to get a few punches in, but being younger, stronger, and angrier, Skywalker breaks his hold within seconds, igniting his lightsaber.

Mace crouches, analysing which moves he can make. Sure, he could fire his blaster a few times, but Skywalker is a General for kriff's sake. He deals with blasters on the daily.

Mace goes for a different strategy, rushing Skywalker from underneath and tackling him again. He feels the lightsaber hum as it nearly passes through his neck, and he grabs Skywalker's hand, stopping him from decapitating him.

The ship tilts, colliding with Skywalker's hovering above them. If Skywalker thought with his head and not his emotions, he would've at least brought Captain Rex for backup.

Has Obi-Wan been released from the Halls of Healing yet?

His momentary distraction is all Skywalker needs to pound his knee Mace's groin and roll them, so he's straddling the older Jedi. The lightsaber is ignited again, but before Mace's life flashes before his eyes, the ship hits something hard, and both Generals are thrown like rag dolls to the ground.

Funny how Tano couldn't catch herself when she fell off the building, but Mace and Anakin manage to land easily with practised rolls.

Skywalker's hands are suddenly around his throat and he looks blood-thirsty, "You're going to pay for what you did."

"You shouldn't have gotten involved."

His eyes flicker gold, and Mace feels his back hit a rock face and a knee collide with his groin. Groaning, he's tossed to the ground.

Skywalker puts a knee on his back and Mace grows panicked when he hears the lightsaber being ignited near his leg, "This is for Ahsoka..."


Bane couldn't have shown up at a better time.

Skywalker's arms are swiftly pinned to his sides by a cable fired from Bane. "You can thank me later, Hardeen."

Mace stands, grateful his leg is still attached to the rest of his body as Bane pulls Skywalker along the ground, "You had your chance to kill him, now it's my turn!"

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