Chapter 17

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T/W: Stress-induced vomiting


Mornings on Naboo are lazy.

The civilians may seem polished and self-disciplined, but they're actually very laid back. Mornings usually involve a generous amount of lounging, buffet-style breakfasts, and lots of hot or cold drinks- depending on the season.

Padmé- since her teenage years- has always started her mornings with milky caf. It's sweet, warm, and gives her just enough energy to get through the early morning Senate meetings. She keeps up the tradition whilst she's on her home planet as well- not just on Coruscant.

Once her brew is ready, she takes it outside where the sun is still low in the sky. The gardens of Naboo have always been a place of comfort for her, especially when she was Queen.

Today, the gardens aren't quite as calm as normal.

"Sharper! Make your movements sharper!" Anakin instructs sternly, not holding back as he hits Ahsoka with a flurry of aggressive swings, "Good! Keep it up!"

Ahsoka bares her fangs, flipping backwards and staying low with her lightsaber raised. With her left arm still suffering from paralysis and in a brace, her lightsaber has been adjusted- courtesy of Anakin's handiwork- into a double-ended blade.

Padmé can hardly see the Togruta when she starts to whirl the green duo blade even faster.

She manages to knock Anakin off his feet, mocking him, "Make your movements sharper, Anakin!"

"Very funny." He mutters before jumping up and pushing his lightsaber against hers once more.

Padmé chuckles at the competitive Jedi and sits on the outside lounge, hidden in the shade. Anakin and Ahsoka don't even glance her way as the Padawan springs towards her Master. The Jedi start to spin again, and Padmé has to averts her eyes before watching them makes her dizzy.

It's been a month since Ahsoka, well, died and then resurrected.

The doctors said it was a miracle, but only the Force is capable of such feats.

Ahsoka spent the next week in a medically induced coma. Shockingly, Anakin spent most of the week in deep meditation instead of at his Padawan's bedside. When Ahsoka woke up, Anakin made sure he was there, and since then, they've barely stopped.

The two Jedi train every day- from dusk to dawn- only breaking for food or meditation. Ahsoka's body is getting stronger every day, and so is her relationship with Anakin. They've been inseparable over the past few weeks, and Ahsoka has even started calling him 'Master' again, which makes Anakin grin like crazy.

The rift between them is starting to heal, and it couldn't be more beautiful to watch. Sure, there are times when Ahsoka gets frustrated from the process, but Anakin has mastered the art of patience- somehow- and the duo have overcome every hurdle in their path.

Padmé looks up at Ahsoka's yelp, sees Anakin wave his hand to catch her before she can hit the floor. "Watch your footing, Snips," he says with a smirk.

"Why don't your wire my leg to be more flexible next time?" Ahsoka bites back, even though she's grinning. She raises her lightsaber, "Again!"

Padmé frowns, speaking up before they can resume their spar, "I think it's time for a break, Anakin." She pins him with a look saying, before you hurt her on accident.

She sees the protest forming on Ahsoka's face until Anakin claps her shoulder, "Her house, her rules, Snips. C'mon, let's do some theory work."

At the mention of doing something related to fighting, Ahsoka perks up and struts- confidently- to where Padmé's sitting. The Senator moves over, allows Ahsoka to sit beside her whilst Anakin makes himself comfortable on the seat opposite them.

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