Chapter 6

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T/W: Mentions of prison r*pe and death penalty


Mace grunts as the clone medic pulls even tighter on the bandage around his wrist. It still throbs- Skywalker has quite the grip. He makes a mental note to have words with Yoda about the Knight's poor ability to not let his emotions control him.

If Depa was ever shot by a bounty hunter during her Apprenticeship, Mace wouldn't dare harm the person responsible. It isn't the Jedi way to respond to violence with violence.

It's Skywalker's way- apparently.

Though, he thinks the supposed Chosen One was holding back when he arrested him. The Force had swirled around him in waves of rage, and Mace honestly feels safer now he's in the detention facility with swarms of criminals- away from Skywalker.

This could be a new crime deterrent; threatening people that Jedi General Anakin Skywalker will be the one arresting them. Crime rates would drop impressively.

The medic secures the bandage with one final sharp tug and huffs, pushing two pills into Mace's- Hardeen's- palm. He looks down at the two pinkish pills, "A Jedi broke my wrist and the best you can give me is ibuprofen."

Speaking in Hardeen's voice feels so wrong.

The medic scoffs, "You're lucky we're treating you in the first place."

Made swallows the pills dry because he knows no water will be offered if he asks. "I've been in Separatist prisons and received better treatment."

The medic looks him dead in the eye, and Mace never realised how intimidating clones could be. "You dared to harm Commander Tano, Hardeen. Don't expect any guard here to go easy on you."

Ah, of course, Padawan Tano is an idol amongst clone troopers- even Ponds was a fan. Mace has no idea why they hold her in such high regard. Sure, Tano is a good warrior and leader, but she's also immature, disobedient, and terrible at refraining from attachments.

Sounds like a certain Knight.

He laughs, staying in character, "If I had killed her, what would you clone troopers do to me?"

The medic squirms but quickly composes himself, "I know a few men who would pay you a visit in the fresher if Commander Tano hadn't survived your attack."

It's Mace's turn to feel uncomfortable. He scowls, understanding completely what the clone is implying.

"Don't panic," the clone laughs, standing up from the plastic chair. "You wouldn't have to live with the memories for too long. General Skywalker is good friends with Chancellor Palpatine; you'd have a secure booking with the electric chair if the Commander was killed by your hand."


"Ani!" He all but collapses onto Padmé as she opens the door for him. "Ani, what is it?"

"Long day." He says, wrapping his arms around her back and holding her tight to his chest, allowing her presence to soothe the hurricane in his mind. "Just a long day."

When Anakin finished handing Hardeen over to the guards at the detention facility, he headed to Padmé's apartment, knowing he was too angry to spend the night at Ahsoka's bedside.

Hardeen's lucky Anakin snapped his wrist and not his neck.

Padmé tilts her head back, inviting him into a kiss. Anakin happily joins their lips in an unbreakable seal, runs his flesh fingers through her hair. She's in her nightgown; it's nearly midnight.

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