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"Damn! It's been a long time since I had a long walk...", She started to pant and sweat,

"Long walk? Queenie, we just passed two blocks. You can do it come on, besides, I can see the bell now, were just a minute away.", Queenie groaned and mumbled on how she regretted joining me. It's just two steps away and were almost there.

When I was about to step on the stairs, I saw a blonde boy with his earphones on, not realizing that a car was about to run over him,

"Queenie! Look!", I pointed at the boy's direction and a look of shock is painted by our faces.

"Bitch! I can't run that fast! And besides, he's like a mile away and I'm pretty sure he's gonna die." I ignored her statement, and began to run, I looked down and saw that I was wearing heels, my feet started to burn.

"Hey!", I called his attention but he didn't even turn around, Queenie was screaming so loud, I was thankful that the priest' mic was loud too, drowing her screams. I was running out of time, I can't save him. I was losing hope when I suddenly teleported on the boy's behind and tackled him on the ground. I looked at him with a worried expression, I helped him stand on his feet and patted the dust out of my dress.

"Sir! Are you fine?", I asked the blond immediately, the man looks shocked and terrified. I saw Queenie approaching me,

"Girl, how the hell did you do that? You like abracadabra-d your way to him.", She looked at me amazed,

"Gabriel, come on let's get an uber. The Lord will not punish you for not attending one mass this Sunday.", I looked at the man who was about to cry. I felt guilt shot to my chest as I saw the wound at his arms and neck. That tackle was pretty hard since I panicked.

"You can go now, I can't leave until he says that he's fine. He looks like he's about to cry.", Queenie rolled her eyes and agreed with me, I followed my gaze on her until she went inside her car.

"Sir, let me take you to the hospital-"

"No, please. Doctors scare me.", The blonde man said. I was confused because I was like talking to a kid.

"Oh...okay then. I can drop you to your house if you want?", I offered him, he nodded and pointed the directions to his house since it's not that far from the church. I should get a phone, my feet is getting tired from walking.

I saw their house, it was not anything fancy but It sure looked comfortable. I guided him to the door of their house, "Hey? I'm sorry for those wounds, I tackled you way harder than I thought.", I apologized,

"You still saved my life, no one ever does that for me...Thank You",he said softly, I smiled at him and was about to go, but then he gripped my arm and a sizzling noise was created when he touched me, he released his grip on me immediately, as he stared at my arm with his handprints in it, which slowly faded away. What happened? I looked at his hands it was still in a good condition. Maybe Kyle's resurrection made me a little tipsy.

"I don't know how to put medicine on my wounds, can you do that for me, please?", I was pretty sure that I was talking to a toddler at that point, but he was like a guy around my age physically, maybe he's got some sort of, disability? I've got something in my guts saying that I shouldn't be going with him since he was still a stranger, but my conscience got the best of me,

"Okay, as a way of saying sorry, I will.", he guided me inside his home as I saw light colors of wallpapers surrounding their house. I saw a picture of an old beautiful woman. Wait a minute, she looks very familar. I swear I have seen her before.

He placed the first aid kit on the kitchen table as he sat down obediently, I applied some iodine on the cotton and gently dabbed it on his wounds as he winced, I noticed that I've never told him my name before.

"Umm, I haven't told you my name. My name is Gabriel Michaels. But everyone calls me Gabby.", I smiled at him, he looked at me, as if studying my features,

"You're very pretty.", I blushed at his words, everyone calls me pretty but he sure is different," My name is Michael Langdon...", he said shyly and softly, I patched up his wounds and it's all done.

"Thank You, Gabriel...", I nodded and smiled at him. He's so sweet and innocent, he's shyness and softness brings a smile on my face. I stood up, preparing my things as it's my time to go. I don't know why but... There's a gut feeling that I'll miss him even if we just met at a short period of time. I twisted the doorknob open but Michael called me again,

"Can you come visit me every chance you got? ", He asked me, I nodded at him, "Surely..."

I gently closed their door, I smiled and touched my beating heart. Why am I feeling this? I'm getting attached too easily. He was just the sweetest guy I have ever met. Well, next to Kyle since he's a gentleman. I walked back home smiling widely, even though people gave me weird looks. This is the first time I have ever felt my heart to beat fast as if it's begging to jump out of my chest. And boy, I'm not complaining.


Sorry about the short chapter, I still got online classes to do and My teacher's mad af

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