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I went to Michael's today since I wanted him to listen to Stevie Nicks. He said that he wanted to listen to her because he wanted to know my hype about the White Witch. I brought my speakers and my new phone, thanks to Queenie. She cracked open her piggy bank for me because she said I need one because it's essential.

I went outside and took an uber because doing that teleport thing lessens my energy. I hopped inside and smiled at the old driver. I noticed his hands, it's like the lobsters, but it's wood. The driver must've noticed me staring at it, he laughed at me,

"I'm sorry, it was really rude to stare, sorry...", I fiddled my hands in awkwardness. He shook his head and said that it was fine.

"It's alright, young lady. I remember when I was 23 when I entered a freak show. Horrible experience. Thankfully, I escaped and started a new life with my child, and thankfully he didn't have these." he raised his one hand since he's driving. The man stared at a picture of a man around his 40's. Then I saw his wife, no, wives. They had two heads, very, very peculiar.

"What's your name, sir?", I asked him in a very polite way,

"Jimmy. Jimmy Darling...", he smiled at me. We didn't notice that we had a long conversation until he came to a stop.

"Okay, Miss. This is your destination.", he said, I took the bills and handed it to him,

"Oh no no! No need, young lady. You're a good person, you didn't judge me by how I look and treated me a normal person. You're the first one for fifty years. Have a good day.", He smiled at me as I exited the vehicle,thanked him and waved goodbye. God bless that man. I wish people would be more like him.

I knocked on the door, and it was opened by Michael. He smiled at me and told me to come inside, we headed straight to his room.

I took out my phone and plugged it on my speakers.

"This one is called Gypsy..", I clicked play and stood up. I offered him my hand to help him stand up, which he gladly accepted. I twirled around like Stevie did, I laughed when he copied me. This is like one of the moments that I want to last long.

I took his hand and swayed him around, "Come on, Michael! Dance with me!", I blushed as he pulled me closer and swayed me. I let go of him and twirled again, not too fast to make me dizzy, and started to sing the lyrics. We danced together happily, he did some weird movements but at least he's having fun. He spinned me around and let our hands slide of each other smoothly, I'm pretty sure he heard the sizzle, but I couldn't care less.

He pulled me closer again, "Are we still friends, Gabby?", I rested my head on his chest, "Why not?", I asked him worriedly, I took his face between my hands,my heart started to pound.

"Are you not scared of me?", he asked me again.

"Why am I suppose to be afraid of you?"

"My own grandma's afraid of me.", he started to cry and sat on the floor, hugging his knees. I gently lowered myself to his level and hugged him,

"If everybody turns their back to you, I will never do the same, Michael.", He continued to sob on my chest, that my shirt started to get soaked.

"Sometimes, I do things I shouldn't be doing.", Like what? I wanted to question him but I think it's going to damage him more, so I let my curiosity flow out of my mind.

"That's fine... People makes mistakes, you are a person, right?", I told him jokingly, which caused him to release a sad giggle. Then he looked at me, as if studying my features like he did when we first met. I realized that he's so good looking. His curly blond hair and blue eyes is where I find my peacefulness.

He moved closer to me, I did the same. Our faces just inches away. I felt how warm he was, like burning fire. Our noses touching...

We were interrupted by the loud ringtone of my phone.


Zoe said I should go back since she found something really terrible. I told her I'll be there in a minute and ended the call. What could it be? I looked at the disappointed sad look of Michael, are we really going to kiss?

"Michael, I'm sorry... I need to go, there was an emergency in our school.", He accompanied me to go downstairs and led me outside. I was about to go inside my uber but I did what I shouldn't done. I turned back to Michael and kissed him on the cheek, I saw his cheeks turn red like mine. I waved goodbye and shut the car door. Wow, that was....that was close.


I arrived at the house and Zoe immediately pulled me with her into Spalding's room. He was sitting on a chair, tied with a rope, and mouth covered with packaging tape.

"Look at that cabinet, make sure to cover your mouth and nose.", I opened the lid of the cabinet and saw a rotten Madison inside. I fell down to the floor, I caught a glimpse of a slice on her throat. That must have been the cause of her death.

We started to interrogate the mute butler,

"Alright you twisyed, tea-serving? necrophiliac, what'd you do to Madison?", Zoe asked him as she heats the spatula on her left hand, Nan stared at him,

"He says that he's not afraid of us...", Nan said, slightly annoyed.

"You're not scared? This can change your mind.", Zoe pressed the hot spatula on his chest,

"He's laughing...", Nan said, I walked closer to him and slapped him so hard his head almost fell off, seriously.

"Just answer the god damn question!", I shouted at him, the three girls behind me were shocked by my actions.

"He said that he killed her to feed his necrophilic appetites...He said if we tell the authorities, he will expose the whole coven...", The clairvoyant explained, Queenie took the hot spatula and pressed it to her cheek, she watched as Spalding screamed in pain until he went unconscious. Zoe and I shared a look, we just don't buy it. He didn't kill Madison.

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