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We all couldn't sleep after what happened. We just stared at the fireplace and watched the wood burn into it's ashes.

"Where the hell is Fiona and Miss Cordelia?", Queenie asked us, but we all just stared into space and remained quiet. I kept on wondering where those weapons came from, I never own anything sharp. I don't even own a pair of scissors. And that voice too, I heard that when I almost kiled a woman. Am I going crazy? Zoe noticed the daggers I was holding earlier, she asked me about it...I told her the truth that I honestly don't know about it.

We were then interrupted by a loud open of the door, it's Fiona.

"What the absolute fuck happened outside?", we all explained what happened. She doesn't look surprised though. She said it's the fault of Marie Laveau, the voodoo queen.

"Fiona, where's Cordelia?", I asked curiously since she's supposed to be in here since she's the head of this house.

"In the hospital", we all stared at her in confusion and worry. Cordelia can't possible be in the hospital. She can take care of herself.

"No time to explain, let's clean the mess outside.", we went outside and gathered all the bodies we killed and incinerated the fallen undead army in the yard with a bonfire.

"Luke shouldn't be here...", Zoe said, I mean yes because it can be dangerous for him to be inside the coven and no because his mom would jusy be worried and probably sue us.

"No, he needs to stay here. The last thing we need is his Christian mother to call the police."

Fiona then looked at Zoe and I. "I like witches that fight. Thank you, both of you, for your bravery. I surely won't forget it.", she took a deep inhale from her cigarette, threw it away, and went back inside.

We all looked each other and sighed. I was the last one to go inside, because I really needed some fresh air. Then the telephone rang when I was about to go upstairs, I answered it with a hello.

"Is this Gabriel whatever?", that voice is familiar. That's Michael's grandmother. I shakily answered with a yes.

"Come over to my house...I need to talk to you.", then she hung up. That's unusual. She told me not to go nowhere near his son, yet she calls me to her house.

I did the teleport thing again and knocked on the door. I won't waste my time walking again. She opened the door looked at me shocked,

"That was fast. And what the hell are you wearing?", I realized that I was still in my Stevie Knicks costume with a smudge of blood in the clothing.

"I forgot to change, last night's halloween", I smiled awkwardly at her. Am I really that desperate to see him? She ushered me to come inside. She let me sit down and made me some tea. At first, I thought it's poisoned but she drank the same tea that I have so I took a sip of it.

"Firstly, I must introduce myself. My name is Constance Langdon, the grandmother of Michael. Second, I apologize for my rude attitude last two days ago. I just didn't expect that someone's going to be inside of my house with my grandson," she said the word grandson shakily, like she's afraid, angry , and disgusted, at the same time.

"I am allowing you to be with him, but in one condition...", Constance trails off... I was so relieved that I get to see Michael again. Her relaxed face turned to an emotionless one.

"You will not blame me whatever he does to you or anyone around you, got it?", I slowly nodded. She scoffed and walked away from me. Constance stopped on her tracks and faced me, "He's upstairs in his room. Second door."

I slowly walked up the stairs and opened the door and saw Michael playing video games. His room is very unusual for a grown up boy like him. His bed is very small for his height, almost like it's owned by a toddler. Michael looked at me and smiled so hard, he stood up fast, almost loosing his balance and hugged me, there was the sizzling sound again, as if he was getting burned by my touch. Nah, it's all in my head. If Michael is getting burned, he should have flinched away from me. I was shocked at his actions but I managed to hug him back.

"Gabby! You're back!", he exclaimed, I smiled at him and nodded. He then grabbed my hand, there was the sizzle again. I ignored it and let me sit on his bed beside him. Our knees were touching because of how small the bed is, he was just wearing a boxer and a shirt. I blushed and looked away,

"I'm playing street fighter, here let me teach you.", he took his controller and placed in on my hands,

"Just press the square one and the triangle, and it will create a combo move that will defeat that bad man.", Michael pointed out. I pressed random buttons but still lost the game. We played games after games but still, I lost every single match. I'm so bad at this.

"You're really bad at these games...", he said while laughing,

"Hey! It's not my fault that I've been living under a rock!", I told him. Then we both laughed, "Gabriel, let's play truth or dare!"

I agreed with him, and Michael told me to go first. "Okay, Michael. Truth or dare?", he tapped his chin as if thinking but ended up with a dare.

"Michael, I dare you to call a chinese restaurant and order a pizza.", I snorted as I told my dare. This is going to be hilarious. He groaned and picked up his phone and dialed the hotline,

"Ni hao! What is your order today?", a lady's voice rang through the phone. Michael was laughing so hard and I was holding my hand before I could burst into laughter,

"Um, I would like to order a cheese pizza, please?", Then the line went silent, I started to cry out of laughter, and held my stomach as I lay flat on Michael's bed.

"That was really horrible.", Michael said while laughing too, I realized it's my turn already.

"Your turn. Truth or Dare.", He asked me,"Truth." I told him with a brave face.

"Is it true that you're a nun before?", I was startled at his question. I didn't know that this was gonna be serious.

"Yeah... Why did you ask?"

"Nothing... I just wanted to confirm it."

We didn't notice that we were goofing around all day long, until I read the clock, 6:30 pm. I sighed, "Michael, I need to go now." He looked at me sadly. I was about to stand but he held my arm again and created a sizzling sound once more, "Thank You, Gabriel for spending the day with me. Come back, okay?".

"Of course I will, we're friends right?", his eyes lit up and stood up and hugged me. "We're friends? Are you sure? But I never had a friend before....",he asked me once more. Is he serious? That's so sad.

"Yes, we are. And from now on, I'll be your friend till the end."

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