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"Somebody's trying to kill me." Misty shakily said, I stared at her in worry. Who would like to kill a kindred spirit? I saw Myrtle too, alive and well. Thanks to Misty.

"Gather around, we have to do the sacred taking." We wore red robes and black lace veils, we chanted few latin phrases. Miss Cordelia said that it is invoked to protect the Coven, and has been used three times before, once during the Salem witch trials. In it, a Supreme takes her own life to ensure the safety of the coven, hurrying the transition to the next young Supreme who is more powerful than the last at her age.

Once we ended, Zoe turned to us, "I think Misty is not the supreme," Madison scoffed, "And you think it's you?"

"I could be a supreme too," Nan implied and Madison teased her too. They began to fight for who is the next supreme, while Misty and I shrugged at each other. I didn't care who's the next supreme, as long as she's not like Fiona, ever since she came here, things started to happen, like Madison's death, Queenie's departure from our side.

"Being a supreme is not a gift, it is a burden.", Miss Cordelia said as she stretch out her stick to feel where she's going.

"Really? Then I don't wanna be one. I don't want to be a supreme.", Misty said

"You don't get to choose, Misty. Whoever it is will be it after Fiona dies.", The head mistress explained, I was right. They were plotting to kill Fiona earlier.

"Fiona will not kill herself", Madison joined in, Miss Cordelia stared at her, "Not without a push."

Miss Cordelia assigned Madison and Myrtle to trick Fiona, that Madison revived herself because she's the next supreme. I felt pity for Fiona. Even if she committed a lot of terrible deeds, we don't have the right to take her life.

Then we were interrupted by the sounds of shots and mirror shattering. We immediately went outside and check what happened. We saw that Luke's house was ambushed. Then I remembered that Nan went to his house, I rushed outside as Myrtle tried to call me back.

I went inside the house and saw Luke's mother dead on the ground. I called out Nan's name and saw her crying while interrogated by the police. I hugged her and asked if she was okay,

"I'm okay, but Luke's not! He saved me, Gabriel." She started to sob, I slowly let go of her and walked over to her mother.

"Prove it to me", My eyes shifted to a still alive Fiona, I thought she swallowed the pills?

"Prove to you what?"

"We are like the piano. You are the white keys and I am the black keys. Show me your power.", The older witch told me, more like commanded me. Then a police officer noticed us,

"Hey, you aren't-", then turned around with a flick of Fiona's wrist. I bent down to the mother's dead body and slightly opened her mouth. I blew air inside her, after a few minutes, she sat up and gasped for air.


Madison, Zoe , and I went to Nan, who has been waiting overnight to see a comatose Luke. We all went inside, and saw Nan crying while Joan fiercely guides him.

"Nan, we have to go...", Zoe said softly, as Madison tapped her stilettos on the floor impatiently,

"No! She has to stay here, she has to talk to my son...", The mother, later known as Joan, told us. Then I felt a cold breeze of breath on my ear,

"Gabriel..", It was Luke's voice, "Tell her that I already know the truth...That my father's death is her fault. She filled his car with bees thay stung him to death." I told them what Luke exactly said, I shouldn't have brought her back to life!

"That's not true, your father's death was an accident.", Joan denied, There is nothing I hate more than a murderer.

"Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.", I told the woman after me,

"Luke chapter 12, verse two", Joan told me softly, I scoffed at her and lifted her face with my index finger,

"The lord does not honor hypocricy. You tell us you honor God, yet your heart is full of darkness." I told her while leaving her crying, and pulling Nan with us. Joan planted a bee hive within Luke's father's car and when he was being stung, stood nearby, relocking the doors with the remote every time Mr. Ramsey tried to escape. Guilty as always.


We returned to see a glimpse of Misty twirling around, while someone's singing one of mu favorite songs, Rhiannon. Wait, that voice, I know that voice! I rushed inside the living room and saw Stevie Nicks,

"Holy Shi-"

"Shhh! Come on! Let's savour the moment!", Misty says, I slowly went closer if this Stevie is real, I sat beside her, she smiled at me. I almost melted. I sang with her, and stared at her in awe, Man, she still got it.

After she finishes the performance, Stevie walked up to Misty, "Good luck, Misty. I wish you luck in the seven wonders." Misty is the most luckiest girl on earth right now. Stevie gave Misty her  shawl that she has worn in concerts all over the world. I can't help but to feel a little bit jealous of her.

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