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I gave Miss Cordelia a rest because she fainted after she stood up. She must've been exhausted because of the pain. It's now two weeks since I last saw Queenie and I miss her already. Fiona told us that she went with the voodoo queen and she's never coming back. I doubt it. We are her sisters, and sisters never turn their backs to one another.

I didn't notice that it has been 5 months since Michael and I started our friendship so I wanted to give him something. I went to the mall and bought him games that I can afford. It's that game where a yellow circle was being chased by colorful ghosts. It's called pacman.

I went straight to his house and knocked on the door, it was surprisingly open.

"Hello? Is anybody home?" The floors creaked as I walked slowly, I went to Michael's room and saw him laying on his bed.

"Gabby!", he rushed to me as we hugged each other. " Michael, I bought you something, as a thanks for 5 months of friendship... I hope you like it." He smiled at me and opened the paper bag. He looked at it,

"Don't you like it? Sorry, that's the only thing that I can afford.", I smiled sadly at him, instead he hugged me and placed the game on his shelf,

"You shouldn't have, Gabriel. I don't have anything for you, sadly...", he said while looking down, I lifted his face with my index finger, "Hey! That's fine! Come on, let's take a picture! Smile,okay?", I took out my cellphone and took a selfie with him.

"Michael, I'm going to be back, okay? I need to go somewhere...", I said while standing up,


"To the church. Wanna come with me?"

"No, I'm too lazy."

"Okay, then. I'll be back after an hour. You can play with your games."

I went out of the house and walked to the church. It's been a while since the last time I went to church. I always pray the rosary every night but going to church is always different.


"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."

The priest said as he left us, ending the Eucharist. I looked at my watch, the whole mass was about an hour and a half. Michael
must be looking for me.

I walked as fast as I can to Michael and Constance' home.

I went inside and it was really dark, I understand because it's already night time but why don't they open the lights? I tried to turn on the lights switch but I think it's broken. I saw a well-lit room and walked closer to it,

"Michael?! Why is your-", I stopped on my tracks. I saw a dead woman on the table. Oh my Lord help me, it's sister Judy-Anne. I fell down to the floor and covered my mouth, I was too shocked to cry. I saw a man and two women in dark clothing and grinned at me, I saw the short haired woman holding a tray. I peeked at her and saw a heart, a beating heart.

"Is this the famous Gabriel?", the bald man said. Michael then emerged from the shadow, wearing a dark cloak. He widened his eyes when he saw me,

"What the hell is this, Michael?!", I shouted at him, I saw a pentagram on the three persons necklaces. Oh my god, they're Satanist. I respect them, their religion, but what they did, was pure evil and vile.

"This is where I belong, Gabriel." , the short haired woman, offered him the alive heart, and Michael took it in his hands,

"Michael! Stop! What are you doing?!", I tried to stop him but he didn't even hesistated to eat it. I started to cry the Michael I know is not like this. I started to sob when a shadow appeared behind him. The cloaked people stared in awe while I stared in horror,

"Behold! The antichrist..."

Oh my god, that is the devil. Satan. I was in love with the bringer of the end of the world...I was in love with the anti christ. I was so shocked and hurt, but I coughed up some words,

"M-michael...This is not who you are-"

"This is his destiny! Let him be!", the bald headed man interrupted me. I started to stand up, regaining my balance.

"You are all wicked! You do not know what you are doing!", I shouted at all them, causing them to laugh. There is nothing funny about murder, I can feel the screams of Sister Judy-Anne, so innocent and pure. She wasn't ready.

I stretched my fingers, feeling the power rush through my veins. They all stopped laughing. I flicked my wrist, which caused them flying across the room. Michael stood there in shock. I stretched my arms and took the heart away from his grasp to mine.

I looked at it, the bite wasn't that serious. I held it between my hands and it was starting to reform, it was starting to beat again. I pushed it to the chest of Sister, hoping to revive her. I placed my hand above her wound and fixed her wound. Once I was done, I quickly checked her pulse if she was breathing. She still wasn't. I opened her mouth and blew hard on her mouth so hard two times, but nothing happened. The bald man started to stand up and laugh,

"You can't bring her back! She's dead-", Sister Judy-Anne gasped holding her chest. She looked at me in shock,

"Sister Gabriel! I thought, I was dead! I-I thought-"

"I want you to run away from here, move to another country or anywhere! Stay away from here-"

"How about you?"

"Just follow what I said please!", she let go of me while sobbing, then she ran out of the door, The old woman tried to stop her but I raised my hands and slammed her on the wall, loosing consciousness. The short haired woman tried to attack me but I shoved my hands to her face causing her to be burnt. The bald headed man tried to run but I stopped him, using my powers to pull him back. I summoned my weapon, the two dagger like sai's.

"Gabriel Stop!" Michael called my attention, trying to stop me. Before he could stop me, I stabbed the man on his shoulders, he will not die yet. I whispered on his ears, "As for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.", he fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

I looked at Michael who was about to cry, he hugged me by the waist and cried,

"Please! Don't leave! You said that we're friends till the end! That even if everyone turns their back on me, you will never do the same! My grandma died Gabriel, please don't leave me too.", He trailed of, that's why I don't see Contance anymore. But no, it doesn't change the fact that he is the anti christ.

"I Love you, Gabriel! Please don't leave me! Don't leave me please!", he begged and continued to cry on my waist. I removed his arms around my waist,

"I Love you too, but we can't be together."

I exited the house, leaving him inside crying and locked the house from the outside. I took the holy water and drained it on the wall while saying, "Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account." And marked the sign of the cross to the door.

I left the house with tear stains on my face. I felt betrayed, I felt dumb, I felt hurt. I should have listened to Constance from day one then I wouldn't be in this mess! This is all my fault. Michael is the son of Satan.

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