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Well, before we all break inside the morgue, I hesitated because I personally think it's disrespectful to go inside without permisson, and besides, someone might catch us. I don't wanna be left as a watcher outside, all alone, since if someone arrives it's either fight or flight for me, but statistically, I would go 100% for flight because I can be too anxious sometimes.

We all waved our hands in front of our faces, this place smells like death. I've never seen a dead body before and I'm sure it will scare the crap out of me. Then Madison led us into a room, full of body bags. She opened one of them and we saw the dismembered body of Kyle. I immediately turned around and tried not to vomit.

"Okay, so I came up with the best plan ever. So, since you saved me from the fucker Archie, you could choose any from the boy parts in here so you could make your perfect boyfriend.", Zoe looked at me, I smiled at her. You can't blame her feelings. I mouthed it's okay at her. She smiled at me.

I went outside of the room since I can't see those body parts again or else I'll vomit all over the place. I'm seriously thinking about what we're going to do, are we really bringing Kyle back to life? Are we bothering him? But, Kyle deserves to live much longer.

They managed to stitch up "the perfect boyfriend" with Kyle's head and perform the ritual. Madison pulled out the paper that she stole from Miss Cordelia. It was okay at first until I read Satanas. I don't speak and read Latin but I think this incantation is demonic.

"Wait, are you out of your minds?! You're like marrying the devil, for Christ' sake!", I warned them but it was no use, Madison is really confident that this spell will work while Zoe wants Kyle really bad.

Madison did a real lot of weird things. She slit her palm and let the blood pour in a cup, she traced a star inside a circle on Kyle's chest. They chanted and chanted repeatedly while I just stared at them. I am not doing this.

After a few loud chants, they gave up. "I guess it turned out wrong, anyways, we need to go...",

"I-I think I left my phone somewhere, I'll catch up with you...", Zoe excused.

"I can wait for you here...", I told her

"Okah fine, but if someone arrives, goodluck going back.", Madison goes back to the car, leaving Zoe and I behind.

Zoe cried her eyes out and hugged Kyle's still lifeless body. I rubbed her shoulders, trying to ease her sadness down. I felt really sad for Zoe, but then I remembered...I brought a once dead woman back to life, I can do it again...right?

"Zoe, can I... Try something? Remember when I told you what happened that night?", She slowly backed away from the body, I walked closer to Kyle. His eyes still closed, I took deep breaths and slightly opened his mouth, and blew air inside his mouth.

I was in the process of reviving him but suddenly we heard a car pull up outside, me and Zoe looked at each other, panicking. I pulled Zoe under a cabinet and covered her mouth. Our hearts started to beat faster, when he screamed when he saw Kyle's state. We were slowly backing away when Zoe knocked out a tray of operating tools.

"Hey! What are you-", Before he can continue, he is attacked by...a reanimated Kyle. I ran towards him to stop him pounding his fists onto the poor man's chest. The driver is knocked out, he was fluttering his eyes, confused. Zoe ran over to Kyle and relaxed him, I bent down to the driver's almost fainted body,

"Am-am I in heaven?", He asked me, I grinned at him and placed my palms on his forehead,

"This is all an hallucination, you saw a rodent and accidentally knocked over a tray. Now, sleep." , I slowly closed his eyes as he slept peacefully. Kyle began to pull his hair and started to punch himself, I placed a hand on his shoulder, he looked at me and immediately hugged me. Zoe looked down, upset. As much as I'm happy to see Kyle alive, I slowly let go of his tight grasp,

"Kyle, there's Zoe... Don't you wanna hug her?", he darted his eyes on the blonde girl beside me, who's slightly grinning at him. I expected him to come close to her at least, but he shook his head and hugged me again. I shot a worried glance on her, but she just smiled sadly at me in reply.


After 15 minutes of struggling, we managed to get Kyle inside the car. I let Zoe drive while I sat at the back of the car, I can't drive after that incident. Kyle wouldn't stop on hurting himself, Zoe and I tried to calm him down but he wouldn't. The drive was in complete silence until a lady popped out beside me. We all screamed and Zoe swerved the car, for a brief moment, I thought we were gonna die, but Zoe eventually regained control. Thank God. I shifted my attention to the lady beside me,

"Jesus Christ! How did you get in the car?", Zoe asked aggresively as she tried to focus her eyes on the road,

"I heard you call me, anyways. This car is cold. Turn around, I have place and I can help you.", she said. Zoe and I looked at each other, as if asking if we could trust her. We didn't know what to do with Kyle, so we believed her and turned the car around.

It was not really a long drive, we arrived at a cabin near a bayou. As soon as we enter, the lady began getting ingredients for her poultice. She said that she used it to heal herself after she ressurected herself after being burned alive. That's when we noticed that she's Misty Day. Miss Cordelia told us her story when we were sharing our history with one another before the policemen interrupted us. Then I widened my eyes when I saw the Stevie Nicks vinyl on her wall.

"You listen to Stevie Nicks too?!", I asked her excitedly, she looked at me, her eyes sparkling. She stopped at her work and approached me,

"Yes! Her songs hit the most! After all, she's the white witch...", We smiled at each other, she took a vinyl and played it, Rhiannon started to play. She began twirling around like like Stevie. Misty returned in creating the poultice.

"You know, I have always thought that there were people like me.", her sweet grin never leaving her mouth. "I just don't know where to find you, but here I am.", She looked at Zoe and I, and glanced at the boy who was staring in space.

"Hey Misty, do you know a place where we can leave Kyle for a while? I think it would be a burden if we let him inside our school, I think it's not allowed.", Zoe asked the lady politely, she smiled at her as she began applying the mud slash poultice on his wounds.

"You can leave him here, next time you'll visit, He'll be a new man.", she winked at us, I can feel that her intentions are good. Zoe slowly walked closer to Kyle and kissed his head, he was getting used to her a little bit.

We went back inside the car and sighed,

"Do you think she can be trusted?", Zoe asked me, worried.

"I'm more than sure, I mean she created the medicine for Kyle's wounds. I'm sure he'll be fine.", Zoe then started the engine and turned the radio on for distractions.

"Zoe, what day is it today?", I asked her

"Sunday, why?", I should go to church today. I told Zoe to drop me off the nearest church, She told me that there was one near Miss Robichaux and it's a walking distance. So, I went back at the house and changed to my Sunday Clothes. I went down to see Queenie watching the television, and turned her attention to me,

"Hey! Where are you going?", She asked me, I told her that I was going to attend the sabbath. She asked if she could go too since it's been a while since the last time she went to the church and pray, I nodded at her and started our walk to our destination.

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