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I woke up earlier than usual today, I slept too early last night because I was tired. I still attended the Sunday Mass and I helped them clean the whole sacred place. Though I didn't forget about Michael, his face just keeps on popping on my mind and I can't control it.

I decided to go down and make myself some hot chocolate. I opened the curtains and saw someone moving to the house next to us. Two persons caught my attention, a female probably the mother of the second person that caught my attention. And a male, probably her son. We need no empath to say that they have a bad relationship. They were practically screaming at each other's faces. The mom left and I saw the boy groan and removed his shirt. Well, that caught me off guard and turned my attention to my steaminf hot chocolate.

Then I heard the telephone ring loudly, I saw Madison who was going down the stairs too. She stared at me, and walked fast and grabbed the telephone, beating me to it. She smirked at me and twirled her hair with her index finger,

"Actress Madison Montgomery speaking, do you want a good dicking or bj's?", she told whoever's on the telephone absent-mindedly, she rolled her eyes and shoved the telephone on my face,

"I'm surprised a boy's looking at your goodwill ass...", Then went upstairs, I took the telephone to my ears and asked who's on the phone,

"Gabby? This is Michael!", I immediately blushed madly, hearing his voice makes me wanna melt on the floor. But how did he get my number?

"If you're wondering where I got your number, well, you dropped a call card of your school."

"Good Morning Michael, why did you call today?", I asked while literally fanning myself and mentally screaming.

"Do you want to have breakfast with me? I cooked something, but I don't know if this is good or not, but it looks like it's burnt..." I heard him sigh sadly,

"Sure, Thanks Michael. I'll be up there in a while, okay?"

"That's great! I'll wait for you!", then he hung up. I rushed upstairs and searched some decent clothes on my closet. To clear things out, I'm trying to look presentable, I'm not trying to impress him. I flipped my closet almost upside down, and ended up with a dress. I wore a converse with it since my foot almost got injured because of that weak stiletto high heels.

I went downstairs, I groaned in realization that I have to walk so far away again,I really need a phone for uber seriously. Then I remembered what I did yesterday, I focused on the outside of Michael's house. I took deep breaths and focused so hard. I opened my eyes to see that I'm in the middle of the road. I quickly went out of the way before a car hits me to my death.

I inhaled and exhaled and knocked on the door, which is immediately opened by Michael. We smiled at each other for a brief moment. He moved a little to signal me to come inside, Michael then led me to the kitchen table, pulling the chair for me to sit. I thanked him for it and sat opposite of my chair.

He cooked some bacon and eggs, but he was right, it was burnt. But at least he tried. Thankfully, the taste of the ketchup overpowered the bitter taste of the burnt bacon and eggs.

"Thank you for this meal, Michael...", I told him as I wiped my mouth with a napkin, he also cleaned the table.

He was about to grab the glass but it fell down the table. I tried to warn him about picking it up, but he did anyways. It caused his fingers to bleed. I grabbed his hands and opened the faucet, I slowly moved his hands to the faucet, but Michael jerked away and stared at my eyes,

"Does it hurt?", he asked me, he was about to cry again. Seeing him lonely and hurt just makes me feel the same too.

"A little, but you can do it,right?", I cheered him up, and moved his hands to the faucet, he  just relaxed as soon as the water hits his bleeding fingers.

"See?It's not that bad...", We smiled at each other again, staring at each other's eyes. I didn't realize that I was staring for too long, so I looked away and coughed awkwardly, attempting to hide my blushing cheeks.

Then we were interrupted by the opening of the door, I saw the old woman on the picture. I knew she's familiar. I saw her at the market last week. She bought those strong detergent for her grandson. She looked at me with terrified and shocked eyes,

"Who are you?And why are you in my house?", she asked me sternly, I dried my hands with a towel and shook her hands, I watched as her stern face turned to a soft one.

"My name is Gabriel Michaels, people call me Gabby. I'm sorry for entering your house without your permission-"

"I invited her to come and have breakfast with me,grandma...", Michael spoke while looking down. It looks like he's afraid of her,

"Michael, can you go to your room,please? I need to have a word with her...", Michael looked at me, I nodded at him and mouthed go to your room while smiling to reassure that it'll be fine. As soon as Michael disappeared from our sight, the old lady pulled my arm harshly and forced me to sit on the couch.

"You should not go near my grandson again!Never tomorrow,never the other day, no more!", she scolded me while pointing her index finger at me, I don't understand.

"I'm sorry-"

"I remember you, you're the nun that made me go first in the line at the market.", I nodded, I'm to afraid to speak to be honest. All I can do is nod and shake my head.

"You are a nun, for God's sake! You should know what's going on with him!", she started to sob and fell to the ground repeating the words, you should know what's going on with him.

"Madame, What's wrong with him? He seems nice-"

"Oh no, darling. He is anything but nice! Do not let that innocent face fool you. I am telling you, you should get out before something bad happens. Someday, you will thank me for saving your goddamned life! Get out!", I flinched from her loud voice, and rushed outside. She looked at me and slammed their door shut.

For the whole time, I was confused and scared. I didn't know what the lady was talking about. I'm scared to the point I was having some trouble breathing. I slowly opened their gates and went out. I looked up and saw Michael at the window crying and waving goodbye at me, a tear slipped down on my face too, waving goodbye. I wish him and her grandma the best. God bless them. I understand where the old lady was coming from, she didn't like her grandson just hanging around with some people he barely knows.

little did i know, this is not the last time that i'll see him

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