Chapter 12- Qibli

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I looked up at everyone else, "The old Skywing palace," I said, "Where is that?" We all looked at each other. "I think I remember Webs teaching us about it once," Sunny said, "I think he said it was at the tip of Pyrrhia's Wing."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Kinkajou squeaked, "let's go get Moon back!" I grabbed her wing as she started to take off, "Oh no you don't," I said, "we still need a plan on how we are going to do this. What kind of strategy are we going to use? How can I get close enough to put the earing on her?" Questions started to build up in my mind, "How can I get Moon back? Will I ever get to see her again? Does Winter know we're coming?"

"Easy," said Kinkajou, "I can use my scales to get close to Moon while you guys distract Winter, and when we are done, I can shove a pineapple up Winter's snout!" I laughed, "Sounds good to me, Queen of the Pineapples." Kinkajou grinned as we flew off to the old Skywing palace.

It was midday when we reached the Sky Kingdom and we stopped to take a drink from a lake. "So how long do you think it will take us to get from where we are now to get to the old palace?" Peril asked me. "I don't really know," I answered, "we are on the outskirts of the Sky Kingdom so I'm guessing... it will probably take us about two hours to get there if we were to fly quickly." Peril nodded and sat down beside Clay. "If we are going to go save Moon and takedown Winter," Queen Thorn said, "what will we do after that? What will happen to Winter?" They looked at me again, "Hey, I may be really smart and everything but I have no idea what we are going to do with Winter," we decided to get moving again, it didn't take us as long as we thought it would be. But when we got there, there wasn't anything there.

"I'll go look around from up top." Kinkajou said, "Maybe we can find something from up there" then she flew up above the broken remains of the castle. She soon came back and said that nothing has been here in a very long time. "Are you sure?" I said to her. "Yes," she said back, "this place is completely empty." I suddenly realized what happened, my eyes growing with fear.

"What's wrong?" Thorn asked me. Everyone started gathering closer to hear what I found out. "We've been tricked," I said, "Winter knew we would try to find him, so he used this place as a decoy to distract us!" Everyone gasped in unison. "So where are they?" Peril said. Kinkajou put her talons over her snout, "Oh no, you don't mean-" I nodded. 

"Yes," I whispered just loud enough soon the others could hear. "I'm afraid that they've been hiding in the rainforest the entire time we've been looking for them."

(A/N I don't know why I even bother with cliffhangers, sorry the chapters are so short I've run out of ideas again. Anyway, see you guys later!)


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