Chapter 17-Moon

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I cried as I watched Qibli lay down his head and close his eyes for the last time, "I love you." I whispered to him, then his talon lost its grip on mine and fell to the floor. A puddle of tears appeared below me as I cried more and more at the sight of my loved ones death. Kinkajou placed a talon  on my shoulder and sat down beside me.

"I'm so sorry, Moon," she said, "I wish there was something we could have done to save Qibli." Kinkajou began to sniffle a little bit too. "I should have stayed and helped him," I said, "I should have stayed and helped him defeat Winter, instead of running away like he told me to, it's all my fault he's dead." Kinkajou looked at me and said, "Don't you dare say that Moon, even though Qibli's gone, there wasn't anything you could have done. Qibli wouldn't want to see anyone mourn for him and blame themselves for his death." 

"Easy for you to say," I said, "your not the one who lost the love of your life! I'm sorry I shouldn't have shouted at you." Kinkajou looked surprised with me, "It's fine," she said. "I just don't want my friend to think that it was her fault Qibli died. You would have probably sacrificed yourself if it meant that he could live on too, just like what he did for you."

Just then Winter came around the corner, bloody and and crazy look in his eyes, "There you are," he said grinning like a psychopath. "I've been looking everywhere for you." Winter started to hobble towards us, took one look at Qibli and laughed. "So," he cackled, "the great and noble Qibli is dead, killed by his so called 'friend'. But, there is a way I can bring him ba-"

"Do it!!" I shouted at him, "Bring Qibli back right NOW!!!" Winter sighed, "Fine, but it comes with a price."

"I'll do anything!" I didn't even think about what I said before he showed his hideous smile. He took a step closer to me and said, "I will bring this useless sand-snorter back to life ONLY if and when you promise to become my mate." Kinkajou, Thorn, and I all gasped, tears coming from my eyes, the ground becoming slippery and wet with tears. "I-I-I can't do that." I said, how could I ever say yes to the dragon who killed the dragon I loved the most.

"Then Qibli will stay dead forever, and he will never come back to life." Winter said. He turned around and started to leave, "Wait!" I shouted after him, he stopped, and turned around with a smile on his blood covered snout. "Yes?" He said, his voice sounding very cruel. I sighed and said three words I thought I'd never say.

"I'll do it."

(A/N dun, dun, Dunnnnnn! Will Moon Mary Winter and save Qibli? Or will Qibli remain dead for ever? Find out in the next chapter... Which I will post when I get back... On Sunday... From camping... This is getting weird, Bye!!)


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