Chapter 3

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"Hyung, wake up" I heard a voice calling out to me.

I opened my eyes and found Namjoon leaning down to wake me up.

My eyes jolted open and I found that I had fallen asleep with my bag clutched tightly against my body.

I kept my bag aside and stood up hurriedly.

I went over to my bag and checked if everything was packed.

My head started aching mildly as I was troubling my body at the time as I didn't even give it some time to get active.

I ruffled my hair, messing it as I rubbed my temples, trying to think why I just came and checked my bag when I knew I had packed everything.

"Arghh!" I groaned when I felt my head aching badly.

"Hyung, I just asked you to wake up, what are you doing?" Namjoon asked concerned as he came near me and kept his hand on my shoulder.

I rubbed my temples.

"My head's aching Joon. I've been kinda stressed lately" I admitted.

"Hyung, you aren't the same one who was a year ago," he said, distressed.

I gave him a sad smile.

"It's not just me, the rest of the boys feel so too. We were having a talk while you were asleep and Hyung, they've noticed too" he admitted.

I opened my mouth slightly to say something but nothing came out of my mouth.

I just slightly nodded.

"Hyung, you seem to behave like you're fine, the way you laugh with us when we have fun, the way you are in concerts when you see A.R.M.Y, you are happy, but you tend to get sad again. It feels like as if... You feel empty" he confided.

I took a deep sigh and as I looked at him I had tears flooding my eyes.

I smiled as I tried blinking it back.

Before my tears could flow down Namjoon gave me a tight bone-crushing hug.

I hugged him back as silent tears flowed down my face, wetting his shoulder.

"Hyung, as the eldest you've done so much and sacrificed so much for us. Please let us know if you ever feel down or sad. Helping you at your hardest times is the least we can do" he advised.

"That's right Hyung" I heard a voice say.

I turned to see Jungkook enter the room and stand in front of me. He smiled softly.

"Jungkook-ah mianhae-"

"It's fine Hyung, I understand. I knew something was bothering you at that time. Just please, let us know if you want to share anything. We're there for you the whole time. So please Hyung, don't keep it within yourself it might be hard"Jungkook advised.

I nodded as I smiled.

The boys didn't bother me to open up, they just let me know that they're with me and they'll support me no matter what.

Who wouldn't want to protect these guys?

"Namjoon, what time is it? We should get going right?" I asked as I stood up and moved towards my bag.

I took my black cap and mask before closing it.

"We'll be leaving in half an hour Hyung," he said and I nodded.

"Jungkook are the boys awake?" I asked and he nodded.

"Then I'll just go check on all of them. Namjoon-ah checks if you have all your things and give me your passport once I'm back. I don't want you losing it" I said and he chuckled.

I exited the room with Jungkook, wanting to have a look at what the boys were doing.

"Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah!" I yelled when I arrived at their room. I sighed in exasperation.

It was indeed a mistake letting the maknae line share a room.

Jimin was laying on his back texting someone while Taehyung was dozing off sitting on the chair.

Their things were laying all over the room as if they weren't leaving in half an hour.

I shot daggers at Jungkook, who stood next to me rubbing his nape.

"Sorry, Hyung I'll do it," Jungkook said as he ran over to Taehyung and woke him up.

Before he could open his eyes, Jungkook pulled him out of the chair and whispered something. 

Taehyung's eyes shot awake and they both started cleaning the room. 

Jimin, however, stayed smirking victoriously, as his bag was the only one packed.

I plopped into the chair tae was sitting in and watched the boys clean the room in solid 15 minutes. 

I've never felt this savage in my life before.

 Jungkook stood in front of me, hands on his hips, panting.

 "Hyung, it's done" he let out before falling on the bed, startling Jimin. 

"Try to be responsible Jungkook-ah, We're leaving in-" before I could complete my sentence our manager knocked the door thrice, letting us know that we need to leave. 

"Look, we need to leave and a few hours back you gave me excuses saying you packed everything" I chided. 

"We did Hyung just some of the stuff which was laying here needed to be packed" Jungkook ranted.

 "Okay C'mon boys let's leave" I commanded and the boys followed me out of the rooms with their things.

 When we were about to reach the room me and Namjoon shared, Jungkook gasped. 

"What is it now?" I asked tiredly. 

"Hyung can you lend me your cap and mask? I packed mine" He asked desperately.

 I sighed. "You're lucky that the mask is a new one. C'mon in I'll give it to you" I shrugged aimlessly. 

A/N: Double update!
Scroll down for the next chapter!

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