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2 Hours Later


I abruptly woke up in an unfamiliar place.

I looked around, and panicked more when I realized that I was in a cage. I looked at my hand, but even though I was in my hybrid form, my nails were long and sharp.

I backed up all the way to the back of the cage, crashing hard into the bars. I couldn't control how fast I was breathing, and I started hyperventilating. It wasn't long before I started shaking too.

I tried backing up more, but the bars of the cage kept me in place.

"Mark-hyung! It's me, Donghyuck! It's ok! I'm here!"

I stopped backing up when I heard Donghyuck's voice.

I can hear him, but I can't see him.

"H-Hyuckie...! W-Where are y-you?! I c-can't see y-you! I-I'm s-scared...!"

"Hyung! You need to calm down! Only focus on my voice! Close your eyes, and take deep breaths!"

I listened to his voice, and did as he instructed.

After a few minutes, I eventually calmed down, and waited for his next instructions.

"Ok... Now, open your eyes. And this time, let them adjust to the lighting in the room. I'm right in front of you hyung"

I nodded, and opened my eyes.

It was dark at first and I couldn't see beyond the bars, but soon, it all became clear. The room started to brighten up, and I soon saw a person in front of me.

I let my eyes adjust more, and I could finally see Donghyuck's face, and his gentle smile.


I ran to the front of the cage where he was, accidentally crashing into the bars in the process.

He reached through the bars and gently pet my head, and satisfied purrs immediately left me. I roughly gripped onto the bars, only paying attention to him.

"It's ok hyung. I'm here...~"

He softly whispered.

"Why am I locked up...?"

"Jaehyun-hyung said that was for the best. He didn't want you to attack anyone, especially since they haven't found an antidote yet..."


Now I remember...

"I'm sorry......"

I backed away from him to the middle of the cage.

"Hyung, it's not your fault. It was an accident, wasn't it?"

I nodded.

"There were two pellets stuck together. I thought that would still count as one..."

I confessed.

"See? It's not your fault. It was just a misunderstanding"

"Not my fault...? Not my fault?! It's not Jaehyun-hyung's fault, it's not Taeyong-hyung's fault, it's not mom's fault, and it's not any of your faults! I'm the one who ate it instead of just picking another one! I put all of you in danger, and I could've attacked and hurt one of you! HOW IS IT NOT MY FAULT DONGHYUCK?! HOW?!"

I roared at him.

He backed away when I raised my voice, making me realize what I had done.


He looked sad now, holding his head down.

I wanted to apologize but I didn't want to say anything wrong to him. He already looks like he's about to cry.

"Donghyuck... I-I don't wanna hurt you..."

"...I know"

He sadly looked up at me.

I felt a returning pain in my head, and I could feel myself slowly shifting again.

"Hyuckie... Please leave... I don't want you to get hurt, because of me......"

I turned my back to him, and sat on the small bed in the cage.

He stayed silent, so I assumed he left. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to stay in control.

I soon completely shifted back into a lion and just stayed seated on the bed, alone and scared. Or, so I thought.

I suddenly felt something small and furry quickly scurry underneath me. I looked down to see a small fox, innocently staring up at me.


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'Donghyuck... Leave...'

I growled.

'Listen to me hyung. You may have been hostile back at home, but you refused to attack me. You were completely fine with me being close to you. You were in control. There must be a reason that you're able to fight your animal instincts'

'Like what?'

'Don't ask me. I can't read your mind. Why do think it's possible?'

He continued staring at me.

'Well... You made me feel safe. I just felt so angry and afraid, all at once. I didn't know what to do. And even though I didn't want you around, seeing that you came to help me anyway..., made me happy. Then, I wasn't as scared anymore, like I was before you came. I don't know..., it's hard to explain...'

'No. I understand completely hyung'

He kissed me by leaning up and licking my cheek.

'Y-You do?'

'Mhm~. I wanted to be there for you, just like all those times you were there for me. The others were too scared to approach you and try to help you, but I'm not scared of you, even when you're like this. I love you, and I refuse to leave your side when you need someone to be there for you hyung'

His eyes intensely stared into my soul.

'Y-You really mean that...?'

'Of course I do. Maybe, having someone there for you might help keep you in control. So until we have that antidote, I'm not going anywhere'

He laid down in the bed next to my paw.

I felt a wave of serenity and peace suddenly come over me, seeing him happily lay beside me without a care in the world.

I carefully laid down on my side next to him, and sleepily looked into his eyes.

'Get some rest now hyung. I'll be here when you wake up'

He cuddled up closer to me and kissed me again, this time by licking my nose.

He closed his eyes, and I felt myself drifting off to sleep with him by my side.



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