Chapter two.

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Arneth's POV.
It's been two days and I haven't left Frodo's side, not since Ada let me see him once he was cured. Twice they have sent Langnir in here to try to convince me to come away but I haven't been able to move. Sometimes Frodo starts having fits in his sleep and I'm convinced that he's having nightmares so I sing the song that Nana sang to me when I had nightmares about the incident.

Undulv ily
Tier lom;
Ar caita morni
I falmalinnar imb met,

At the edge of darkness
Hope is whispering still,
Tender, unerring,
Gently stirring.

Memories unfurling in the mind.
Warm wind from a far, forgotten country,
Long left behind.
Wandering the empty road,
In twilight's silver shade,
Following the hidden paths
Lonely and afraid.
Let the sunlight free the heart,
Forever bound to roam,
And let the waking morning find
The weary traveller returning home.

When I had finished singing he would be sleeping peacefully. On the third day I was humming softly while drawing on a page when I felt someone tap my shoulder. On instinct I reach for my calf and my fathers dagger that is strapped there under my dress. I pull it out and turn to hold it against the persons side. He starts to laugh and I look up. It's Gandalf. I jump up and hug him tight. "Aldol Gandalf, Nae saian luume'(welcome Gandalf , it has been too long)" I say. He laughs and says "It has my dear, and I dare say your Elvish has gotten a lot better!". Then he looks over my shoulder at Frodo. "Go, have some time to yourself, Arneth. I will watch over him.". I nod my head and lean over to kiss Frodo's forehead. "Losto vae Frodo(sleep well Frodo)" I say and with that I walk swiftly to my chambers where I waste no time in getting into the pool and washing myself then getting into a random dress and going in search of Bilbo. While on my way I was knocked over by three more hobbits. "Excuse me miss, I'm ever so sorry. I'm Pippin, that's Merry and this is Sam. We're looking for a hobbit named Frodo, have you seen him?" The shortest of the three says after pointing to the other slightly taller curly haired hobbit as Merry and the other slightly less curly brownish haired hobbit as Sam. I look at them and smile "I do know where he is but I'm afraid he is still sleeping! Shall I come find you when he wakes? My name is Arneth by the way," I reply. "That would be great miss, but could we just come now and see him. Once we see him we'll leave the room. Please?" Pippin pleads giving me the puppy dog face, I mean how could I say no to that! "Ok but you must make no noise, his slumber gets lighter everyday." I say and the three hobbits smile and say "thank you" all at the same time.

I hold out my two hands and Pippin and Merry take them while Sam walks in front of me and they told me of how they came to be here and of the events that led to Frodo being hurt. I was appalled, as no one had told me of what had happened to him and the poor little hobbits realised their error too late, but they apologised. I smiled and with that we walked into the room and they seen Gandalf. They looked at Frodo, seeming pleased that he was alright and then Sam turn to Gandalf and whispered in his ear. Gandalf got up and ushered the hobbits out in front of him, he then closed the door behind him but not before he said "Boe annain gwad(I must go), it seems these hobbits have a bone or two to pick with me" he said. I laughed softly "Galu mellon (good luck friend)" I replied. I take out the page I was drawing on earlier and I pick up my pencil again as I start to draw the waterfall. Suddenly, Frodo start to get up but he is still asleep. He walks over to me and as he touches my hand he wakes. He starts to panic and he cannot breathe. "No, no Frodo. Breathe" I say, buts it's like he can't hear me. "Frodo listen to me, take a deep breath.". It still wasn't working and I was beginning to get really worried. "FRODO BAGGINS YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME AND OBEY, TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND RELEASE IT SLOWLY. IT WILL DO YOU GOOD, I'M NOT HERE TO HARM YOU, I'm here to help you" I say but my voice sounds weird and straight away Frodo starts doing what I have said. I decide to try it again "Frodo lie on the bed and rest." I say, again he does what I say. What is going on? I hear a throat being cleared and I turn to face Gandalf and my Ada. They both looked shocked and suddenly I freeze. I told Frodo what to do and he did it. Ada looks like he is going to speak to me but I can't take it. I run to the balcony and jump over it, running to the stables. I always hide in here, being around the horses calms me down. Ada and Nana know not to bother me here and I will come out when I'm ready.

Two hours later I walk back into Frodo's chambers and see he is sitting up with the other three hobbits and they are talking about some mushrooms? Frodo looks up at me and smiles. "Hello, I'm Frodo, I know what happened earlier and I wanted to say I'm sorry for worrying you and that I should have listened to you!" he says. "Gi nathlam hí, (you are welcome here) Frodo and I must apologise to you as I did not know I could do that until just now. I apologise again if it caused you to be frightened. My name is Arneth. Lord Elrond is my adoptive grandfather, whichever way you look at it," I say. Suddenly, I'm drawn into a conversation about riders in black, but my mind is going over the fact that I can get people to do as I say. Then I was thinking about the Orcs and when they would speak to each other they would say "The boss wants her for her ability, I don't even know what it is but if he wants her it must be good." Finally, all the pieces snap together and my realisation makes me scream out in horror and no, not just a quiet little squeak but a full of scream. I see Pippin get off the bed and come over to me. I can see his lips move but I can't hear him. I can't move. I collapsed in the corner in which I was leaning against the wall and I was frozen. Nana comes running into the room along with Langnir. "Langnir, get Ada and Gandalf now. Noro lim(run swiftly)" Nana says. "Of course hiril vuin(my lady)" he replies running out of the room. A few minutes later Ada comes running into the room. I look up at him and he reaches down to wipe the tears from my cheeks. I didn't even know I was crying, or that my Nana was holding me.

"What has happened henig(my child)?" Ada asks. I look up at him. "Iston(I know), Ada, I finally know. After ten years and what has happened earlier with Frodo finally made me understand. They took me because they knew about this, this thing that I can do, before I even knew about it. Ada, I've been such a fool!" I cry. "No, henig, you have not been nor will ever be a fool. You were unaware of this power and that does not make it your fault. You can control it because you have been doing so for the past eighteen years. Don't trouble yourself," Nana consoles me. Gandalf looks over at me and smiles "There is hope yet! But what a most unusual time for her to discover this," he says. Nana looks over at him "You knew! You knew and you wouldn't tell us! Gandalf she has been my daughter since the day I found her. Oh my poor darling. Iellig(my daughter)" Nana shouts at him. "Hiril vuin, I could not tell you and have you worked up over it. It was for her safety because if she knew about it she would try to compress it and that can end very badly. Goheno nin(I'm sorry) Arwen. It was for the best," he tells her. She looks at Ada then nods at Gandalf. I stand up and smooth out my skirt. I walk out of the room and see the hobbits, including Frodo beside me. "Frodo you should be resting!" I say and he takes my hand while Pippin takes the other. "I'm sorry Arneth. But I don't think you want to be alone right now!" he says and I laugh. "Hobbits, are you all this perceptive? Come, let us go visit a dear friend of us both!" I say. We walk along until we come to a room. I knock then open the door and the hobbits run inside with the exception of Frodo. He hugs me and whispers "Thank you" before he runs off to engulf Bilbo in a hug. We stay with Bilbo for a while and then we all go to dinner. After dinner I'm walking back to my chambers when Ada and Nana come up to me. "Iellig, there is a council tomorrow and you must be present. Gi melin. Losto vae!" Ada says and kisses my cheek Nana says the same and kisses my other cheek. I fall onto my bed. Ugh, a council, I hate them. But what is to be done must be! I'll need some sleep if I have to endure this.
From now on anything in bold is her commanding people to do something.
Let me know what you think guys.
Ps. That's Arneth.

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