✰ Part 11 ✰

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*This is a few days after the last chapter

y/n's POV:

I woke up and got ready for the day. I wanted to do something today unlike just sitting and roaming around the house. I don't have a plan for escaping here, but I do want to know why I'm here. these past few weeks I've got to know the boys better, all though, I'm closer to Anthony and Jaden. both of them are sweethearts. oh and about Anthony always being "cold" to me, I told him that I dont really have a plan to escape so after a few days he finally warmed up to me. the only person I haven't hung out with is the devil of course, Payton. I barely see him bruh. most of the time he's in his office others fucking some slut, oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about the sluts.

*few days back

I woke up a weird noise. I got out of bed and got ready. when I went toward Payton's room, that's when I heard it, moaning. EW DISGUSTING HORNY BASTARD! WHAT THE FUCK! I, almost immediately, turned around and went down stairs with a disgusted face. I guess Jaden noticed because he laughed like a manic.

y/n : it's not funny!
j: it kinda is *continues laughing
y/n: okay maybe it is *joins in laughing too
y/n: anyways, what's for breakfast?
j: pancakes!
y/n: yummm give meee
j: alright calm down hahaa

after Jaden gave me my food (he rarely cooks so I had to eat it) the slut Payton was fucking came down, pleased with her self and let me tell ya, I wanted to puke! I gave her a disgusted look and I guessed she noticed cuz she started screaming things and oh my lord- her voice is SO ANNOYING!

slut: what the fuck you looking disgusted at huh? you dirty ass hoe just staring! I know you want my body and where I was a couple minutes ago *moans
y/n: oh my fucking god- I'd rather die so not thanks.
slut: hm well you missed the chance anyways, imma head out
y/n: *mumbles thank god
slut: what did you say you bitch!?
y/n: excuse me!? don't ever call me a bitch you slut!
slut: what did you just call me!?
y/n: can't you hear me!? I called you a slut!
slut: well atleast I'm not a bit h living with guys and fucking all of them
y/n: oh that is it.
at this point probably everyone was looking at us, except Payton who was showering probably to get her cum off of him 🤢
I was walking towards here but then I felt two arms wrap my waist.
y/n: let me go!
I knew it was Payton because he tightened his grip and non of the boys would hurt me like that, I mean Payton didn't hurt me but I know they would lay their hands LIKE that on me. wait the. why is he layng his hands on me like this. the fuck?
I tried getting out his waist at the same time calling that slut names
y/n: ughh let me go!!!
p: uh Brittany I think it's the best if you leave
b: this bitch is the one who has to leave she the one who started it babe!
y/n: babe? *starts laughing oh hun he's just using you for...
and Payton covered my mouth, fuck you.
that Brittany girl left and Payton just let go of me with no emotion and went to his office.

*present time

y/n's POV

sooo yeah, after that happened with the slut I just minded my own business and just carried on w my day.
Today, as I said before, I wanted to do something unlike just sit around and do nothing. but there's something that's really on my mind. I wanna spend today w payton. yeah, you might think I'm out of my mind but hes just so got and ugh I've thinking about his lips on min- THE FUCK Y/N! STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT EW!
anywhore, I wanna spend the day w Payton. I don't know how ill convince him but my first thought was just to ask him.
so I went to his office and knocked on the door, and he took so long like tf is he doing? okay I will say I was impatient but still-
my thoughts were cut by Payton opening the door.

y/n: uh h-hi
p: hey, are you okay?
y/n: uh yeah I'm absolutely fine! um how are you?
(thoughts are in italics)
bitch why tf did you say that!?
p: *chuckles I'm good.
y/n: soo uh I was gonna ask...
p: ask what?
y/n: uh so I kinda wanna like, like not that way but like-
p: oh-uh wow okay, uh sure I guess.

hey loves! I haven't updated in a while and in so SORRYYY! to make that up I wrote a pretty long chapter! hope y'all enjoyeddd! don't forget to vote ✨

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