Part 13

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i woke up under the sheets without my clothes on.. did we? fuck. we did. fuck fuck fuck what if he just wanted me for my body. oh my god i let my guard down. i woke up and showered and did my business and went downstairs. i was just not feeling my self and felt like something bad was gonna happen and is waiting in line for me. ugh. i'm tired. i feel like shit. just then payton walked by and i tried saying hi but he just ignored me. did i do something wrong? WAIT what if he was just using me for my fucking body. oh my god.
y/n: pay wait!
P: don't call me that thank you.
y/n : what did i do?
P: y/n just go sit in your room no one asked you to come down here.
then it realized that i got played and used. i was raging.
by this time everyone was looking cuz i was screaming my lungs out.
i was in tears. i have got played before but this was different since i really like him and i really thought he felt something too. i guess i was wrong.
P: did i ask you to trust me?
he said that so ducking bluntly and carelessly.
i fucking slapped him across the face.
y/n: yesterday you were all lovely dovely, now what happened huh? you smiled and you were happy. BUT WHAT HAPPENED NOW HUH!?
j: wait he smiled..?
y/n: *chuckles sarcastically oh i guess you haven't seen him smile. well yes he smiled yesterday but today he's like a different fucking person!
payton was just standing there looking at every single thing i said and did.
i turned to him and said
y/n: i trusted you too early.  i never have fell this hard for someone in a short amount of time. i thought you felt something too . guess i was wrong. you know i actually enjoyed my self yesterday. but today had to ruin it! i thought you LOVED me. you fucking KISSED me and took ADVANTAGE of me! that is not fucking okay!
i said all that shit and went upstairs. after about 30 mins i heard knocks on my door.
y/n: if your payton go away.
payton came in.
y/n: i said to not come inside!
he ignored me and came sat beside me but i moved away.
p: y/n.
i didn't answer
i didn't answer again
p: y/n!!
y/n: what!?
p: i'm sorry for acting that way.
y/n: sorry is not gonna fucking make up.
p: am i actually sorry. i was scared to fall in love again. i was scared to tell the boys . i'm sorry y/n. i really am. i love you and i-i
i just pulled him into a kiss. he kissed me back.

i pulled away. i can't do this. he can't just act like nothing happened then come again and kiss me and-

i felt him take my shirt off and kiss my neck.

y/n: payton. i don't want to do thi-
p: shhh your fine don't say a word
y/n: payton no!
he kept going
y/n: payton please stop! i don't want to do this

with all my strength i pushed off me and kicked him in the balls and ran. i wasn't gonna escape, i was gonna escape from him.

i ran to a room that i didn't know and jaden was there.

j: hey y/n!- why are you crying?
y/n: i-p-payton tried to-to
i burst into tears.

i never knew payton was the type to do this shut. guess i was wrong. he's in a fucking gang or something. he must be. what's gone into him? did he just want my body?

j: calm down y/n. it's gonna be alrigh-

i was shut off by jaden.

kissing my lips. i couldn't tell if it was a passionate love kiss, or a kiss to shut me up.
i didn't know if i should pull away, i was enjoying it until the devil himself kicked down jadens door. we pulled away and payton was looking both of us in rage. he took my wrist and handcuffed me to my bed. then he went to...jadens room? i heard muffled screams and i was in tears. i didn't want this. why did it have to be me? why am i still here? i wanna go back to my family and-


i shot up and-

it was all a


my clothes were still on. my hands weren't handcuffed, but i was still in payton's room. it was a dream. not a dream, a fucking nightmare. wait so was that date real?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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