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It was quite a rough week for Clarke, she has been shutting down on everybody, even Lexa and Octavia. But mostly she had problems with her mom about her future job. Abby wanted her to follow her path and become a doctor, but of course Clarke wanted to be an artist, she could paint and sell her works, or even be a singer, she was in a band with O, and they were already a bit famous in their town. For this school year Clarke has taken quite scientific classes certainly because her mom had put too much pressure on her to force her to take it. So in a bunch of days, she'll have math, physic, and of course biology and still have a risk that she will not like it.

It was a hard conflict because it was her opinion against her mom's. But nevermind, she was above it to be honest, it was saturday, with school on monday. Eventhough Clarke had only 2 free days left, and wanted to see nobody, and just spent time with herself, to do things she likes. Of course she was overwhelmed by all the situation, still a little by Finn because she learnt that Raven was his girlfriend, by Lexa because their relationship scared her, by school, and by Abby, because it was probably the ever first time she doesn't support her.

The blonde got up really early and made some pancakes, like every weekend. She decided to dedicate this day to art, to prove her mom and herself that she was actually good in that field, and it was worth it. She grabbed a few brushes, a notebook and her paint, and opened the door. One of her favorite spot to paint on the early morning, was basically just in front her house, their was a 4 meter squared grass area, Clarke usually sat down here and listen to music.

It was probably something like 6 or 7am, but the sun was already shining in the sky, perfect sunny blue sky.

The all street was empty, absolutely no noise, no car, no people, only sunshine and birds. Clarke started to sketch a quick landscape, a forest during autumn on top of a large hill. And she progressively added layers of paint, the more beautiful colors as possible. The beginning of her work looked absolutely great ! The blonde has probably been there for an hour or so, but still nobody, but she lowered the volume of her music on the speaker because she was anxious about meeting someone in the street.

She was only a few houses away from Lexa's, in fact 2. But she prefered not to think about it, neither the possibility of meeting her today. Clarke prefered to ignored it because she'll see her soon enough at school. By the way, the blonde wasn't even aware of in which class Lexa would be, she hadn't asked and didn't know about Lexa's age. The birds were still singing their happy melody, when a wooden crack happens. At first Clarke didn't payed attention because it could have been literally a million thing. But she felt uncomfortable, as if someone was staring at her.

Someone was staring her. Two shiny green eyes to be precise. Yeah Lexa was staring at Clarke. In fact the wooden cracks was the noise made by Lexa when she opened her shutters. Clarke had turned her head and was now facing Lexa, and even if she doesn't want to socialize today, she was at least happy to see a familiar face. Lexa did a sign with her hand before disappearing inside her house again. As far as Clarke was concerned, she continued her painting, and was adding color to the grass of her landscape, adding slight touches of green. When suddenly something else cought her attention.

The blonde looked up, and met two emerald green orbs, just on top of her. They were the same color as the grass she was painting. Lexa smilied at Clarke before she sat down next to the girl. The blonde said, "hi beautiful" and Lexa answered nothing, she just kept smiling. She finally decided to say something, "hey you are so talented I love it" while looking at what Clarke was painting. The blonde smiled back in answer. And she started to paint again, trying to finish the grass. Lexa laid down her head on Clarke lap. It was a good moment, everything was so peaceful, none of them spoke, but the soft music which was playing out loud, and Lexa softly sleeping on Clarke body, calmed the atmosphere.

But perfection couldn't last for eternity. A door noise rang, and a tornado appeared. Octavia was here, and visibly very angry. She stopped immediately behind the girls as soon as she saw them. In fact, O was coming to see Clarke and ask her why is she not seeing anybody, but when she saw her best friend with Lexa, it brang her peace and calm. Clarke felt it, she knew, she knew that her non-social day was becoming a day girl with her best friend and her crush. She wasn't really annoyed, because she also knew that one day she would need to talk about it (the thing about her mom's opinion).

The blonde slowly claimed, "Hello O, I'm happy to see you, and also Lexa, would you like to go inside before we move out ?"
The two other girls nodded and the three of them want inside. Octavia, who was almost in her house, did as she would do in her own house. She went to the fridge, grabbed a glass and served herself a glass of juice. O went back to the couch with Clexa (Clexa because the two girls were so close, that it lookes like a single person). The trio spoke for a while, and it was about 11am so time for lunch. After a long and difficult struggle to chose what to eat, they chose to go and eat pizza.

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