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So Clarke, Lexa and Octavia spent the all day out, eating pizza, drinking beer, having fun together. Clarke did her best to avoid thinking that in two days she'll be in school again. After the pizzas, Octavia suggested to go for the local music disc shop. She wanted to be sure Lexa knows that Clarke and her have a band. Nothing serious to be sure, but the two girls released a few songs in their first album. They chose "Heda" as the band's name because it represented well the history of their friendship. In fact Heda means Commander in a very old language. The fun fact is that Octavia used to be a little commander when the two girls were children.

The more Clarke thought about it, more she wanted Lexa to discover this new part of herself. "Yeah Lex you definitely need to ear something !" said the blonde before bursting in a laughter with O. The ride was about 10min from the pizzeria but it didn't discourage Lexa to discover her crush's secret. A few minutes of random conversation in O's car, they were finally arrived. Clarke went out of the car first, and run towards the shop's door. She looked outside to see if the two girls were following her, but they didn't, they were talking in the car, as it could have been important judging by Octavia's face, the blonde decided not to interrupt.

The seconds she pushed the door, the seller looked at her very friendly. The both of them smiled, and the mysterious man was the first to break the silence, "Long time no see Princess ! How are you ?" and Clarke answered "Hey Charles, I'm sorry I was quite busy, but anyway I'm fine, you know I'll be in college next week. Tell me about the business." Charles Pike was Jake's best friend, Clarke's father let him come to the house and let him spent hour playing with her daughter and the Blake's daughter. After Jake's death after the terrible accident two years ago, Charles was one of those who helped Clarke the most.

The trio used to play to Princess and Knight things, the blonde always was the royal princess, O the commander knight, and Pike the vicious evil dragon. They had such good time, and Charles was such a good man, caring and loving Clarke and Octavia. Eventhough one time O broke his nose because she hitted him with a wooden force with an outstanding force. He responded : "Very fine, actually there are more and more customers. And of course I forgot to tell you but you send one hundred more albums last week ! I'm so proud of my little duo. Oh my god already college you are growing up so fast !"

He knew O's dreams was to be a music artist so as a very good friend of the Blake-Griffin family he allowed them to sell their album. The two of them continued to talk about their lifes, speaking of how Abby was doing, and how much Jake would have been proud of his little princess. Meanwhile her best friend and Lexa were still talking inside O's car. She wanted to know the matter of a such serious discussion but she knew it was none of her business. She spent a little more time with Charles, before he stood up and offered Clarke some tea.

Meanwhile in the Blake's car, a serious business was taking place. Octavia begun the discussion by "Lex I know you're scared about Clarke's reaction about you being her probably future teacher, but you need to tell her before she found out by herself." Lexa stared to feel not so well, it was now days she was reflected about how to tell her. But no ideas were popping in her head. "I can't O, she will be so pissed of even if I tell her now, and you know I can't lose her, because I- I care for her." Octavia looked right through her friend's eyes. Very green eyes. "Hey Lex it is gonna be alright you know that ? You'll get through this..." Octavia looked up at Lexa once more, and she saw a soft droplet running down her cheek.

"You really care for her hum ?" and Lexa softly nodded. Octavia wanted to tease her a but. "You love her right ?" and all Lexa could have answered was a small "more than I thought". O found it very funny because Lexa doesn't probably know that Clarke feels the same towards the brunette.

She continued "So Woods is falling harder for Blondie that she fell for Costia" and she started to burst into a hard laughter. Lexa didn't find it funny, she just looked at Octavia in the eyes. And as soon as she did, more tears appeared. And then she looked away, avoiding Octavia's intrusive gaze at all cost. All her friend could said was "I fucked this up, didn't I ?"

After the small argument the duo had, they went out the car and go for the shop. Octavia apologised for what she said and assured the hurt brunette that she didn't mean it. But Lexa knew that this visit was important for Clarke so she acted like nothing happened. As soon as they entered the small shop, Clarke shouted "Here they are !" and Octavia run towards Charles and pulled him in a tight embrace, all Clarke could here was "and there is my Heda". Charles and O exchaged some need just like he did with the blonde.

During this time Clarke looked for Lexa who had already desappear for a few minutes. The blonde found her listening to music a bit further than the two hugging. "Hey Lex, you're okay ?" and Clarke caressed the brunette's shoulder, Lexa turned her head, and looked at Clarke with her red puffy eyes, and her fresh tears in the eyes. Clarke hugged her and sat on her lap before whispering into her ears "I know you don't want to talk about it but you can if you need, besides I know Octavia is hard on words but she probably didn't mean it." All Lexa could do was positioning her head into the crook of Clarke's neck.

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