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The teacher was watching them since they crossed the door, and invited them to take a seat with a soft sign of the hand. The teacher, Mr.Sinclair was really kind, probably the best teacher they had so far ! His way of teaching was really different from other teachers, but so interesting. Everything he says was reflected, intellectual, and said on purpose. He really was a kind man, and just by listening him talk, you can easily assume that he does this job by passion and that he loves to help students to lead them to success.

Sinclair expressed the summary of the curriculum of this year, and the way he would like to do things. In fact this year, the students will start by learning how to code. If you look back at Clarke and Octavia, who were just in front of the teacher's desk, they were talking almost silently, mostly about what Sinclair was saying. Nothing rude nor disrespectful towards the adult, they were only excited to start to learn how to code or crack and hack things as Octavia said. After a while, when he finished to explain was materiel the students would need, Sinclair really started his class, by giving and explaining the basic formula for coding.

Even if Clarke was interested as hell about what he was saying (which was now what language to use for what, like HTML for the inside, like CSS for the form) she couldn't avoid being out of her concentration. A girl was catching her eye. She had never saw her before, she wasn't even in their class, because the engineering class was occupied by different class's students. So the girl who was disturbing Clarke was sitting alone next Octavia, on the following table. As the blonde was sitting next to the window, she could hide behind O to watch the mysterious girl. She had brown eyes, long dark hair, and a red jacket. Clarke swore that she had already saw this girl somewhere.

She was suddenly pulled out of her thought by Mr.Sinclair who talked to her "As Miss Griffin was listening very carefully to the lecture, maybe she could remind us what we were talking about hum ?" Clarke was shocked by what she heard, like how do you even know my name, and was it really obvious she had zoned out ? "I-I don't know mister, sorry..." was all the blonde haired girl could have said. He spoke again "Then if you don't know, you listen Griffin, last time." but with a very welcoming voice, he wasn't even angry againt Clarke, he was just making statements. He smiled to her before clearing his throat.

"Okay students, let's do that again, I'm gonna ask Miss Reyes what is important about coding in CSS, I expect y'all to take some notes please", Clarke had to ear only one word and she knew. She knew who the girl was. She only needed a reminder of her name and she knew who she was. Raven Reyes. The Raven Reyes. The girl with who Finn cheated on her. The girl who had her heart broken. She turned her head to Octavia, to see if she knew as well. And yes, she was aware who the girl was, but was also aware that if she didn't do something to stop the blonde, the Raven girl would likely finish with a broken jaw.

All Octavia had found to say was "I know Clarke, I know who she is, but please don't do anything stupid, it's only the first day of school.." And Clarke nodded. Raven had caused her already too many trouble, including Finn breaking her sugar heart.

Raven answered to the question asked by Sinclair. Her answer was obviously perfect. And Miss Perfect really annoyed Clarke and her best friend. But they shouldn't act like so or they could have problems. They just shared an annoyed glance and said nothing although the words were in their throat.

The hour went on, it was already the end of this class. Two more to go and it would be the end of the day. The duo was pretty excited because they had to meet up with Murphy after that. But thankfully the two hours left were a two hour lecture of math, amd Clarke loved math, she was pretty talented. Their teacher was also quite good, not as good as Sinclair was, but still good. The lecture was interesting and Clarke did her best to listen and not to think about the all Raven situation. The two hours finished. Clarke and O went to the hall after a little while, where they found Murphy already watching Sponge Bob.

All three went home by foot, they discussed about school, or about how much school sucks... And the obvious answer was A LOT ! As Clarke mom was working very late as the clinic and they didn't have so much homework, the three of them decided to stay at the Griffin's for a while, maybe even after dinner. It was John idea to cook some crepes. Octavia took care of it, because she loved to cook. Even if she almost burnt the two first ones, the rest was all fine. "It tastes delicious baby" said the blonde and Murphy chuckled "yeah even if I had seen better". Of course John's comment made Octavia angry. She faked an angry face and softly punched Murph on the cheek. The trip went to the couch with their crepes, and turned on the tv to watch netflix.

Clarke decided of what they would watch, she selected Love Simon, because she loved it and she knew Murph too. Octavia had had a good idea, even if Clarke might not like it, she decided to text Lexa, it was already late, around 7 pm and so she would have finish school work. O slowly took her phone and make sure nobody saw her, the two other idiots were too focused on the screen they wouldn't react. And softly tapped on her phone's screen to Lexa,

"hey woods, wanna come to see clarke ?, she's worried about u&her when in school, (we have food and beer so bring ur ass here)".

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