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*Back to normal timeline*
It was Friday, the day Lexa had Clarke's class after Murphy's one. Once 10am was passed, Octavia and her best friend entered the classroom where there were already a few students. They both sat right in front of Lex, as the usual. Everyone arrived after one another and the teacher started her class, this time on some biology stuffs.... Everything went well, every students was listening carefully. There were of course some people speaking at the back, but nothing too disturbing. There was this annoying kid who always asked question, who always sat next to Octavia, and today he was.

But today he was not really annoying, the only question he asked was relevant and it served Clarke to understand something. Furthermore, he was just a bit strange because he fixed Lexa a lot, but nothing too strange because he was just in front of her. Until the moment when the teacher finished a part of her lesson, and asked if anyone got any more questions. Still the same strange guys, Gabriel or something like that raised his hand, looked right through the brunette's eyes before saying baldly, "What is going on with Clarke ?" and of course his saying made Lexa scoff. The still chocked brunette looked at Clarke quickly before saying "Sorry what ?"

The whole class was quiet, probably waiting for an answer from the brunette, and honestly the whole thing was becoming really awkward... The Gabriel boy spoke once again, "Yeah everyone knows what you both did and it's fucking disgusting !" Well he was practically yelling at this point. Lexa was now shaking, how about he knows what they did and still do ? Has had Clarke told anyone ? Of course not ! Has she been betrayed by someone ? Yeah probably. But reflecting on who was not the most important thing, she needed to cover herself or it could create her some problems... The brave brunette decided to try to deny the thing.

"Hum on top of saying things totally inappropriate to your teacher, I don't know what you're talking about Mister Santiago" and the insolent student responded unsurprisingly "Com'on Miss Woods we all heard what she said in the record." It made Clarke react quite instantaneously :"The what ?!?" She got up, so ready to kick Gabriel's ass. She eventually got stopped by Octavia, just making her even more angry. In the mean time, Gabriel was finding the situation extremely funny, and it was exactly what Finn asked him to create. Everyone has calmed down so it would have been the good moment to add another layer.

"Woods I'm leaving you four minutes to leave this room before I call the cops and even try to come back you DISGUSTING LESBIAN". Lexa didn't know what to do, or what to think, because he was seriously threatening her but on the other hand she couldn't leave Clarke with him because she could possibly be in trouble. There was also the fact that he clearly openly reveals her sexuality to this whole class by insulting her, so her all teacher career has been going nuts. In fact Lexa hadn't really a choice to stay here because she was pretty sure the Gabriel kid was not even joking the slightest... And after she reflected on it, it appeared crystal clear that it was Finn.

Of course she would like to ask Clarke who she told, but now was not the time. The brunette thought about staying right here but Clarke's pleading eyes were telling her differently, so she grabbed her stuff and move from the room, giving Gabriel a death stare. Once Lexa was out of sight, Clarke got up and went to Gab. She felt the angriness coming when she saw the insolent smiling, proud of himself. She clenched her punch and hit him violently in the jaw, making him look up at her with blood spiling from his mouth. After a short amount of time he was finally able to speak up again, and he said "Believe me I didn't want it"

Clarke stared at him with pity and hurried herself to continue this discussion before she would like to punch him again. "Why did you do it then ?!?"she was practically yelling at this point. Gabriel Santiago spoke up once more, "He forced me to ! He said if I didn't he would get me expelled, and he promised me a lot of money... I'm sorry... Clarke" the last word he said was too much to bear for Octavia, who got up quickly and headed to him. She punched him again and way harder than Clarke because O is just more sporty. Once Gab finished crying and groaning of pain, she finally decided to speak. "Don't you dare touch her bastard !"

The other guy looked down at the ground for quite a long time, and looked up at the black haired girl who just punched him, before speaking up, "Take it" and O stared at him like "What ?!" He thus said "The money, take it" and he pointed to his bag on the floor. Clarke took the envelope and went outside to try to find Lexa. But the brunette was nowhere to be found. Octavia followed her quickly. Lexa was in fact heading back home because she knew she couldn't be teaching for the rest of the day, nor the week, nor the year, or she would have some serious troubles. She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, not even to Clarke because she was somehow the cause of all this.

Octavia joined Clarke outside, who was crying on the ground. "Hey baby Clarkie, are you okay ?" and the blonde said nothing. She just looked at O and cried even more. Of course they had to finish the day, but Clarke told herself that she would go to find Lexa at the end of the day. The rest of the day was so weird, everyone looked at her in the corridors, and some of them even whispered when she was close. Many hours after the end of this hell boring day, Clarke went back home, totally exhausted and sad. Earlier that day, she told herself to go and see Lexa, so she grabbed all the stuffs she needed and went outside. She approached Lexa's house and...

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