Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-

Courtland's POV:

This little "Vacation" I was taking wasn't helping at all. First I was angry because I was stuck inside, unable to talk to anyone so I was bored out of my mind and I was just lying in my bedroom switching from computer, to tv to falling asleep. So my anger was out of control.

I just finished smashing a plate angrily on the ground...and it felt good. All the maids and servants gasped at my outburst and my mum just sighed.

"I'm so bored!" I growled stomping out of the kitchen. My vision flickered to a dull red and as I rounded the corner the Lord stepped out smiling at me.

"Ah Courtland the girl I have been looking for." He sighed happily.

"I'm sorry mi'lord but I may rip out someone's throat in a second." I sighed unhappily.

"How about we go for a walk, hm?" He asked. Suddenly everything faded.

"W-What?" I asked. Those words sounded like an ancient language to me.

"Let's go." He smiled heading for the back door .I hesitated but I followed. We walked out the back and the sun felt amazing on my skin. We took the long walk through the garden.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Bad." I sighed.

"I see, being stuck in a house with no children your age can be difficult. But for someone with your...stature...I must say you handled it very well." He said applaudingly.

"Really? I broke so many dishes my mom had to get a new set, I growled at my father and I broke my door from slamming it, also multiple other damages."

"Courtland people in the past who killed many people when they did the trial you did. It shows you have self control over the enraged wolf DNA you are able to control yourself and unleash it. We just have to keep continuing this."

"Will I ever be able to go back to school?"

"Of course. We just have to make sure your totally safe and able to control yourself."

"What do you mean totally safe?" I asked.

"That you are well protected. I will be truthfully honest with you, my dear." He said stopping I turned to look at him and he looked past me like he was thinking about it then he looked at me.

"There are people out there who want to kill you. I'm not talking about just vampires. I'm talking about our own kind to."

"You mean werewolves want to kill me?" I asked.

"Once they find out you have this power...yes."

"How come I threaten them? Intimidate them? What do I do that makes them want to kill me?"

"You're powerful, Courtland." Then he began moving onwards. I followed him still confused.

"What do you mean I'm powerful? In what way?" I asked.

"In many ways, Courtland. In logic sense, strategies, agility, strength...everything above."

"So they're jealous basically?"

"Yes. They believe that someone like you can take over. Not take over just as King and queen but as the new lord. People don't like change."

"So they think I will take over your position? Why? I would never do that."

"People assume, Courtland. They also believe that if they kill you they get your power all of a sudden."

"But that doesn't happen...right?" I asked.

"Not exactly..."

"What do you mean not exactly?"

"It can but for only certain people. You have to be royal. Your body has to posess that royal gene.Have that dominance and power...and aggression.You have that but ten times the power."

"So I will be able to control the killing?"

"Yes. But having a mate will make it much better. Having that bond will make you have the ability to control it easily and use it effectively."

We came to the end of the path and I saw a black shadow flash out of the corner of my eye. I whipped around and stared at the black shady figure.

"Oh no..." I heard the Lord whisper.

"Get inside!" I yelled. I turned and my vision went straight blood shot red. I felt my blood pump through my veins in a thick like form. I lunged and shifted at the black shadow.

I tackled it to the ground and it struggled against my hold. I bit down hard on it's neck until I tasted something bad. The thing growled and I pounced off choking. The figure on the ground laid still and I realized I took half of it's throat out as I leapt off. I shifted back and grabbed my throat. It burned and swelled up.

I felt my breathing become shallow and I stopped moving around and laid still as I saw familiar blurry figures move around me.


I woke up because I rolled over and fell flat on my floor. I groaned and let out a throaty, raspy cough.

" were always such a restless sleeper." My mom sighed.bSomeone suddenly lifted me and I was back on my bed and I shivered grabbing all my familiar blankets.

"Here honey you have to drink something. You've been sleeping for days." My mum said. I felt the bed shift and I knew she had sat down on it.

"I made your favourite. Camomile tea and crackers." She chimed softly.

"Why did you make her tea?" My dad asked.

"Because you drink tea when you have a sore throat, Ashton."

"How come you don't make me tea when I'm sick or tired?" He asked.

"Because you said it was "a ladies drink"." My mom said. I cracked open my eyes that were stuck a bit together, my throat was dry and sore when I swallowed. My body ached and I felt all sticky and gross.

"Ugh...what happened?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Were not sure...But your father and everyone is working on it." She asked as I sipped the tea and nibbled on a cracker.

"How come I passed out?"

"The thing that attacked you and the lord had something in it's blood. Something that affects any mystical creature. It closes up your throat and the anesthetic makes you feel all yucky and such." She said laying the tray down. I took another sip of tea and laid my head down.

"Why don't you go take a shower?" She asked.

"I'm too tired..." I yawned.

"How about I run you a bath? It will make you feel better and I will put new bed sheets and such on your bed, hmm?"

"Alright." I said yawning again. She smiled and they both kissed my forehead.

"Oh God..." I said getting up lazily. I was so weak I had to hold onto railings as I made my way to the bathroom.

"Here you go." My mum said setting down towels and fresh clothes before closing the door.

The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now