Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Courtland's POV:

I sat stuffing my face with everything in front of me. I was so hungry. I felt like I hadn't eaten in days. My family stood before me with Angelica.

"Is something wrong?"I asked taking a swig of water.

"Courtland. Do you remember what happened?" Angelica asked.

"Yep." I said nonchalantly. Everyone looked surprised then I explained everything.

"I came from the vamp realm with Dimitri and Tyler and Charlie and Janey. Then I went to the infirmary to Nick where I was so upset because it was my fault I shouldn't have brought him to the fairy realm. So I placed my hand on his and then this weird swirly black and blue magic stuff happened and he woke up and I passed out. End of story." I said.

"Do you know what you did?" Angelica asked surprised. I shook my head eating a piece of chicken.

"You cured Nicholas! He was gravely ill. On the verge of death and you healed him! You passed out because it took a lot of strength because he was so sick but you can easily heal minor breaks, sprains, sickness...anything!" She said enthusiastically.

"Will I pass out again?" I asked,

"No. It's not as big as healing so,some on the edge of death but imagine. You may be able to bring people back from death." Angelica was so surprised and enthused. I suddenly felt a little crack in my back. It was loud. It made me bend awkwardly...

"Oww." I winced.

"Courtland! Are you okay?" Mum asked. Angelica touched my back lightly.

"It's broken." She said surprised. The Lords words went through my mind.

"The fourth stage would be a test of life and death. How strong she is." Uriel had said.

"Uh-oh." I said falling over. I felt the head rush feeling coming and I got up ignoring the pain and running to the basement. I felt the bloodlust. I needed the taste of blood. I couldn't kill anyone.

"Courtland?" Tyler called.

"Don't Tyler!" I warned. He was close to me. I could smell his blood. I ran into the cellar and to a cell and locked my self in. I bent down on the floor and dug my nails into the ground and took out the cement. They crowded around the cell doors and I felt my canines descend and my vision went red.

"Don't touch it!" I snarled barring my canines at them. Everyone hesitantly stepped back instead of dad and Tyler.

"Courtland." Dad said in a alpha voice. I froze shaking feeling the pressure coming.

"Don't..." I said shakily before the pain came and I made a blood curdling scream.

Dimitri's POV:

I woke up to pain and a blood curdling scream.

That was my baby girl. Courtland.

I sprinted down the stairs smelling her in the basement. I came down where her screams became louder. She was on the floor cringing and writhing in pain.

"Whats going on?" I asked. Walking over.

"D-Dimitri?" She asked attempting to look up. Her bones were disfigured. I came closer to the gate and she opened it. I knew she wouldn't hurt me so I stepped in and sat down on the bed while she tried to keep eye contact with me.

"Let's go upstairs before your mother faints." Ashton said leaving with everyone, I looked down at Courtland's pained face and it hurt me that I couldn't do anything to help.

"I love you, Dimitri." She said reaching her hand out. She took it and screamed in pain and my hand. It hurt a lot but she resisted the urge to squeeze harder. I bent down lightly touching her back.

"I love you too Court." I said.

"Dimitri...if I make through this...I want you to know that I know you are my mate..." She paused to fight back the pain.

"And I want to marry you." She cringed. The final stage. I smiled and kissed her head.

"When you make through this I will get you the most expensive and most beautiful ring and I will propose to you because I can't imagine living without you." I said. She tried her best to smile before screaming in pain again.

I waited beside her for what seemed like hours. I had to listen to her every scream, every bone crack and every hitched breath. It was torture watching her in this much pain.

Her father came down multiple times to check on her and it was the same. She broke a bone, it healed and then she broke it again and it went on like that for hours. Finally it was midnight and she stopped breathing and screaming. I bent down at her and her eyes flashed open.

"Courtland?"I whispered. She took a large gasp and her eyes rolled back into her head and she slumped to the ground. My heart raced and I checked her pulse.

"Oh thank God."I breathed. She had a pulse which was good but she was passed out.

"Is she passed out again?"I heard a voice asked. I turned and saw Angelica standing in the doorway. Her hair was tied back and she wore a lab coat with a clipboard. I nodded not able to speak and soon Tyler stepped out around her. and walked over lifting Courtland up gently. She completely slumped in his arms and she looked dead. He carried her up to her room.

I could have done that.

I said nothing though and followed him. He laid her in her bed and covered her up and walked out silently. These past two years I have either watched Courtland sleep or...well nothing else.

"Courtland..."I sighed rubbing my face. I was dead tired. Watching for almost a day, having your mate scream in pain. I frowned at the thought and I laid down beside her. She stayed perfectly still breathing very lightly.

She looked as if she was just sleeping...but she wasn't. I sighed yet again and tried to close my eyes and just relax with my lovely mate beside me.

Flashes from the first day I saw her came through my mind. She was standing at the door to the cafeteria. She was standing with her brothers and Taylor. well I thought Jeremy was just her brother. But she was starring at me and when I met her gaze she blushed. Her hair and skin was so pale that it stood out so much and it looked amazing on her.

I remembered I smiled at her and then met the eyes of her angry brothers. Then after that she was at the vending machines swearing and I helped her get her water bottle.

Then I played her to walk with me to the gym making her believe I actually needed help but I didn't. From that day on I knew she was something. She smelt like lavender. She still smells like it and I wouldn't change her scent for the world.

I loved her.


"No that's not the one." I said. God who knew shopping for a engagement ring would be so difficult. I didn't know what to get for her. It sounds really weird but none of them felt perfect.

"Dimitri...your being such a loser you ass." Andrew sighed. I brought along Andrew, Brett and Christopher. We have been here for Lord knows how long and I just couldn't decide.

Then I finally found it.

"Let me see that one." I said pointing to a ring that had caught my eye. The clerk pulled it out and placed it in front of me. The band was silver and lined with diamonds and it went up into little leaf shapes and a blue and silver shaped rose formed from it.

"This one." I said pulling out my wallet. I was a high royal I could pay in cash right now and then they would brand the phrase into the band right now.

"Now while you brand your little message for your love we will go get some food." Andrew laughed patting my shoulder and they all walked out.

"What would you like engraved?" The clerk asked.


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